Chapter 10 : Finale

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Thanks for reading ;) x There should be a nice surpise ending !!


Kyla's Point Of View

Greg's Place , Apartment 56 Wenchester Dr.

I slammed my backpack down and groaned going into my room.

A few minutes later my dad knocked at my door . Muffling a come in into my pillow , I turned over . I heard the door open and shut as he came in. He sat on my bed making it lean down a bit while rubbing my hair.

"You alright ?"

"No , I'm not alright ! I'm not sure how it works down here but last time I checked , you don't beat on someone for no reason !"

"Kyla she said you bumped her ."

"I didn't do of purposely though ! I was eventually going to apologize ." I lied.

"And what were you crying for when u made it to the school ?"

"N-Nothing , it was nothing."

"Kyla I'm your father , you can talk to me ."

"It was nothing dad. I was just a little upset & I guess my emotions got the best of me."

"Well alright." He patted my side getting up ."And for your first fight , I don't think you did half bad. But next time , could you try punching ?"

"Shut up !" I laughed throwing a pillow at him as he chuckled shutting the door. "Dad!"

"Yeah ?" He popped back in as I sat up.

"I love you."

His eyes widened in shock as a wide grin scattered across his face.

"I love you too."


Jacob's Point Of View

I hopped out of my car and took my key out of my back pocket . I walked up to our front door & unlocked the door . I push it open closing it with my foot sitting my backpack down . I walked into my room down the hall & fell on to my bed . I've done this to a girl over a million times ..but I can't seem to shake off this feeling . I picked up my ball throwing it on the air and catching it . Why do I feel so bad ?

"JACOB !" I heard my mother yell from the living room.

"Huh ?"

No answer.

"Huh ?"

No answer.

I groaned getting out of bed going into the living room.

"Yeah ?"

"I got a call from your school today ."


"They said you were in some mess between some girls."

I sighed running my hands down my face ." Ma I ain't-"

"I don't wanna hear it Jacob ! Everywhere we go you just gotta be out of line ! "

"Ma I'm sorry . I really ain't have nothing to do with what went down at school , I was just there."

"Mhmm , so why were they fighting ?"

"Well Ky bumped Danielle by mistake and they started fighting from there."

"Ky ? You mean the sweet little girl you've been talking to."

"Yeah." I sighed.

"And Danielle ? As in Danielle from elementary school who was a grade higher than you ?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Jacob ," my mom shook her head."You promised me you wouldn't end up like your father ."

"I know and I'm not trying to be like him . I-I'm just stuck . At school I gotta put up a front for people , have that lil "bad boy" mentality going on . But around Ky it's different . I don't know what it is .. I - I really can't describe it."

"It means you like her." She chuckled.

"I mean , I told her I liked her before but I think I was joking. I don't know." I shrugged.

"Jacob . Sweetie . You've been running little girls in and out of my house since we've moved down here . I've seen all of them and to be honest , they weren't worth it . But Kyla . Kyla's different . I can tell you feel the same as well. She makes you happy right ?"

"Yeah I guess."

"When she's around you get this funny feeling I'm your stomach huh ?"

"Y-Yeah . Yeah I do ."

"Then that obviously means you have feelings for her . "

"Okay , Im cool with that , but I don't think she gone like me no more . I mean I'm half of the reason she got into the fight ."

"I thought you said you ain't have nothing to do with it ?"

"Well me and Danielle was coming out of the detention room and I was all up on her . Kyla must've seen and got a little mad."

She huffed and plucked my forehead.

"Ow ma !"

"That was for lying and getting a detention."

I rubbed my forehead as she chuckled shaking her head.

"Now , whatever you want to do is up to you. " She shrugged leaving me in the living room to think.

I plopped on the couch and decided to think to myself . I do like Kyla as much as I hate to admit it , but she might hate me . Only one way to find out.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and found her name under my contact . I waited a few minutes until it went to voicemail . I sighed trying again , and finally , five calls later , she picked up.


"Ky I need you to-"

"I'm not coming over , whatever you have to tell me you can tell me over the phone."

"Ky this is serious , just come over ... please."

It was silent for a good minute or two until I heard her sigh.

"I'll be over in a bit."

With that being said she hung up and I cleaned the house up a bit.


Kyla's Point Of View

In The Car

"Girl , I don't understand why you keep going back to him." De'Jah shook her head.

I sighed laying my head on the window. "De'Jah if you and Chres were arguing wouldn't you want to talk it out with him ?"

"Yeah but Jacob and Chres are two different people . Not even a few hours ago you were just in tears because he basically said he didn't care about you . Now you're almost at his feet on your hands and knees about to "talk it out" with him."

"It's complicated De'Jah , I don't know how having a boyfriend works . I'm learning ."

"I know , I know." She pulled up to his house."Look I'm sorry Kyla . I'm just trying to look out for you , you basically my sister in law." She laughed as I did as well."I tend to cling on to people because I'm afraid of losing them. I apologize."

"It's okay. Hug it out ?" I held my arms out.

"Oh nah , I don't do that lovey dovey shit."

I laughed hugging her anyways .

"Seeya later."

"Good luck with the heartbreaker."

"De'Jah ."

"Im just playing ." She laughed as I closed the car door.

I sighed walking up to the house knocking on the door once before it swung open . De'Jah honked the horn and sped off as I looked down at my shoes.

"Come in." He moved aside letting me in.

I walked in sighing as he led me to his room. I looked around as he shut the door behind us.

"So ?" I rose an eyebrow.


"So what do you want to talk about ?"


"Us ? There is no us."



"Ky listen ! I always give you the chance to speak but no it's my turn ! I like you okay !"

"Oh please you've said it before-"

"No I mean it this time ! I really really really like you . Im sorry it took all of this to realize that but I do . The first time I seen you , yes my intentions were to smash and pass but after learning a little bit about you , I found it different to have you around . I feel like I can be myself around you , you know ? Like when you said I wasn't your type because I was a "bad boy", well that's not really me . All the girls and the car and the detentions ain't me . I mean , when I was younger that was me but I'm trying to change Ky . I've been changing because of you . I t-think I l-love you."

Now you all know me , I don't do good with situations like this . My eyes were teary and my hands were shaking . I nearly ran into his arms hugging him tightly as he rocked us from side to side.

I couldn't imagine anything more perfect or any thing that could ruin this moment .

That is until we heard Jacob's mother scream & the sound of shattering glass . Jacob quickly released me going into his drawer pulling out a gun.

"What are you-"

"Shhh. Go hide in the closet." Jacob shushed me as I nodded and went into his closet . I hid behind his clothes as I heard the sound of gun shots , screaming , and glass . I was about to shift over when I heard Jacob's door open . I shut my eyes as foot steps grew closer and closer to the closet . I mumbled a quick prayer before the closet door shot open and I screamed . A hand went over my mouth and I opened my eyes.

"It's me Kyla , you can come out now." Jacob took his hand off of my mouth helping me out of the closet.

I brushed my skirt down and looked around frantically .

"Jacob what happened ? Why did you have a gun ?" I questioned him as he sat out a suitcase and started stuffing clothes in it .

"I can't explain it right now . Can you go help my mom pack? She's probably really shooken up."

I nod going into his mothers room seeing her sitting on her bed , staring at the wall. I knocked on her door as she slowly turned to me with a smile spread across her face.


"Hi." I smiled."Um , Jacob told me to come help you pack."

"Right . Right." She sighed grabbing a suitcase."Well I'm already packed."

"H-How ? But how did you know this would-"

"I think that's something you and Jacob should talk about dear."

I nodded as Jacob raced into the room shifting his eyes between his mother & I.

"Well lets go." He ran outside as I helped his mother out of the house and into the car.

"Jacob where are we going ?" I got into the car buckling my seatbelt .

He didn't answer me. Instead he pulled off and sped down the street.

"Jacob slow down , where are we going ? The police could've handled that !"

He continued driving wilding swerving down the street as his mother sighed and laid down across the backseat.



"Where are we going ?!"

"We're moving , can't you see ?!"

"Moving ?! Moving ?! What do you mean we're moving ?!"

"Ky listen , there's just a little stuff I ain't let you know about me aight ?"

"Wow , like what ? As a matter of fact don't answer that just drop me off at home !"

"I can't do that !"

"Why not ?!"

"Because you'll be killed !"

"Well what about my dad ? I can't just leave him here !"

He groaned sliding his hand down his face . He made a sharp turn to the right and sped down the street to my dads apartment.

"Listen , here's what we're going to do." He sighed pulling up the the apartment building.


"Jacob leave me alone !"

"Let's talk about it ."

"No , get away from me , I hate you !" I screamed slamming the door shut .

"Kyla ? Is that you ? What's wrong ?" My dad asked me as I barged into my room.

"It was nothing , it was Jacob."

"What's wrong did he hurt you , or ?" He asked as I pulled out my suitcases.

"He - He's just .. nothing." I moved past him and went into the bathroom.

"Well , what's with the packing ? What - What are you doing ?"

"I'm leaving ." I rushed into my room stuffing my hygiene items into my bag.

"Leaving ? Is it because of Jacob ? Was it something I did wrong ?"

"It was nothing , I-I'm just , uh , confused." I zipped up my suitcase and started on another one.

"Kyla , talk to me . I mean I know we don't have the best food . I can order more pizza . We could watch more movies together . "

"That's you dad . Th-That isn't me." I sniffed zipping up my second suitcase.

I walked over to my dresser and sat the card down . I wrotr the number on it , a little message , and turned back around facing my dad . I picked the both of my suitcases up rolling them into the living room. I could here him slowly following behind me , almost dragging his feet along.

I opened the front door only to have him grab my arm.

"Kyla please . I just got you back."

"I-I know .. and if I don't leave now ... I'll end up stuck eih you just like mom." I turned away and silently cried as I made my way down the steps . I turned back to see him still standing in the doorway , with a sad expression on his face .

I hopped into the car with Jacob as he sped out of town . I watched as we passed Chres's house and a tear slipped from my eye.

"Im so mad that I said that to him."I choked out."You should've seen the look on his face."

"It was the only way he'd let you go." Jacob shook his head."It's bad enough I'm putting my own mother in danger like I have been for the past 6 years of my life. I wouldn't want to put your father in this ."

"But I'm leaving not only my dad but Chres and my friends. I can't believe this." I shook my head.

How could I go from a clueless Beverly Hills princess , to a hopeless Atlanta runaway , all in one month . Things are moving too fast and this experience almost feels unreal. The whole deal with my mom , my dad , Chres , Jacob ... it's all too much.

"Listen Kyla ," He grabbed my hand still driving."When we get to a safe enough spot , I can promise you that things will be completely different .


🍩 Clueless : Jacob Perez Story 🍩

The End

Of this book , meaning there's a sequel coming !! I didn't want to put a lot of you in on these last few chapters because that wouldn't have made since & it'd be confusing , so you'll all be in the sequel ! ;) Dont worry you're pretty little heads , a lot about to go down !

So look out for the sequel " Different " , which should be out in a few days !!! Thanks for reading and I hope you follow me to the next book.

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