Chapter 3 : Not My Type

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😌 Sorry for the wait ...


Kyla's Point Of View

Tyana's Bedroom

Kyla pick up the phone

Your best friend is calling

Kyla pick up the phone

Your best friend is calling

I groaned rolling over in Tyana's bed searching for my phone. Once I picked it up I slide to answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I groaned rubbing my temple.

"KYLA!" My best friend yelled in my ear , her thick British accent floating through the phone.

"Oh my lord , yes Jessica?" I rolled out of the bed .

"Why didn't you tell me you moved ? Why'd you go?"

"Long story short some how I'm in Atlanta with my dad."

"Oh." She sighed."I really really wished you stayed."

"Yeah." I sighed."Me too."

I heard the front door open and shut. I ran to the window to see Jacob leaving out of the house and hopping into a car. Instead of getting in the back seat like I had expected , he was in the driver seat!

While I sat hear practically stalking Jacob , Jessica continued to run on and on and on.

"Uh Jess I'm gonna have to call you back , I'm about to go out to eat."

"Umm ...okay ."

"Bye." I hung up and walked out of the room.


By the time Tyana came home it was around 12:30 am . I has already eaten and Chres was up in his room .

"Tyana did Greg call you ?"


"Well can you drive me over to his apartment so I can grab some clothes?"

"Sure , no problem." She sat her bag down."CHRESANTO WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" She left out the door as I followed behind her.

I checked for any message from my mom , but nothing. I sighed getting into the car and sitting back buckling up.


Chresanto's Point Of View


Doublerbandz💯 - So who havin a party

Ray2wice✌️- De'Jah bruh

DopeStar🌟- 4 wat time

JMisfit💀- @ 10:00

Doublerbandz💯 - Idk man Kyla might hav 2 come.

JMisfit🌟 - so what ? Let her come.

Ray2wice ✌️- yeah , what's the worst thing that could happen ?

Doublerbandz💯 - y'all don't kno Kyla lik I do . She not into tht stuff man.

JMisfit💀- Just let her come bro. She might like it.

DopeStar🌟- And if anything pops off we got her back.

Doublerbandz💯- Alrite bruh , night


I went downstairs to see Tyana pulling back up. They came into the house while Kyla held a bag.

"She's sleeping here tonight." Tyana said shutting the door behind her."Well you can sleep in my room , Chres's room or the couch." She smiled and walked upstairs.

"So we watching movies all night or what ?" I sat on the couch as she sat her bag down.

"Of course , it'll be just like old times. Except this time you won't cry at the scary movies." She giggled.

"I told you I wasn't crying . I had something in my eye that night !"

"Oh but I recall you saying 'I wasn't crying , my allergies just acting up'." She started cracking up.

"Whatever." I pushed her arm going over to the movie rack.

"What you wanna watch?" I squatted down.

"What do you have?" She crossed her legs.

"A couple of things. But aye , why you talk so proper?" I chuckled.

"Why do you talk so slang?" She chuckled.

"It's how I was raised fam."

"Ditto." She leaned over to see the movie."Ummm , how about we play a game instead."

"Alright. I got 2k , grand theft , just dance -"

"Yeah let's play that!" She clapped

"Alright but I got two left feet." I laughed popping the game in.


Kyla's Point Of View

"Come on Kyla , wake up." I turned over feeling someone shaking me.

"Hmm." I moaned sitting up. I ran my fingers through my hair looking around.

"Come on , time for school." Chres patted my shoulder leaving out of the room.

I flipped the covers off of me and walked over to my bag. I locked his room door and quickly got dressed.

"Are you ready Ky ?" Chres shouted from downstairs .

"Give me a minute !" I shouted back.

I quickly washed my face , brushed my teeth , and combed my hair.

I grabbed my phone , backpack , and purse and headed downstairs.

"I'm ready." I smiled .

"Alright , have fun guys". Tyana left out the house.

"Wait , who's bringing us?" I followed behind Chres.

"I am." I looked ahead of me to see Jacob.

"Is that safe ? Is that even legal ?"I crinkled my eyebrows.

"It's either that or walk. The bus already passed." Jacob shrugged climbing in.

I sighed and got in putting on my seatbelt. This is by far the craziest thing I have ever done in my life.


School hall , by the lockers

I finally made it to my locker , trying to do the combination , when once again a hand banged it and it opened.

"So we meet again." Jacob smiled leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Yeah , I guess."

"Aye , I was wondering if you wanted to chill later , you know , by my house."

"No thanks."

"That's great- wait what?"

"I said no thank you." I tried walking away.

"Hol'up hol'up." He stopped me."What'chu mean 'no thank you' ?" he questioned me.

"Exactly as I said before , no thank you."

"Well why not?"

"Well to be quite honest , you aren't my type. You have this whole bad boy image that I don't want to rub off on me. "


"You have a car and you're only 14. You wear black almost everyday and I'm pretty sure you've dated almost every girl here already."

"So what does that mean?"

"That means I'm not interested ." I brushed pass him and went to class.


Oop , I was kind of rooting for them to get closer but eh , she said he ain't her type. Haha , k bye.

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