Chapter 5: I Care

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Hey ...... :-] Lol k bye.

Kyla's Point Of View

"Um , J-Jacob & I sort of lost track of time." I fumbled over my words.

Why am I so afraid of him ? He isn't anyone to be afraid of anyhow.

"Mhmm." He folded his arms and even in the dark I knew he had to be analyzing me."So he ain't try nothin'?"

"No. Not that it's any of your business anyhow."

"Alright , alright." He put his hands up in surrender ."I guess Ii'll leave you alone." He moved towards the stairs.

Shoot , I need clothes.

"U-um Chres." I whisper yelled to him.

He stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at me."Yes?"

"I need clothes to sleep in for tonight & tomorrow clothes. Can you walk me back to the apartment?"

He sighed walking back down the stairs & grabbed his jacket.

"Let's roll." He grabbed car keys.

"You can drive?"

"Yup." We walked out of the door."I drove you from the airport when you first came down here."

"Oh." I slipped the hoodie on as we both climbed into the car.

"Aye , where you got that hoodie from?"

"Oh this ?" I looked down at it."Jacob lent it to me."

"He did?" He cocked his eyebrow up.

"Yeah . Hey can we go now , I'm getting really sleepy." I lied turning away from him.

"Oookkkay." He sighed pulling away from his home.


34th St. , Lincoln Warrior High

"And so girl Kennya tells Linsey that she needs to find her own man." Skyy gossips to DeJah and I .

Well not so much of me since I don't know who in the world their talking about.

"Girrrrl , you already know how I am . I would've clicked out!" De'Jah shakes her head.

"Mhmmm and she just-" Skyy stops talking as we hear someone clear their throat.

We all whip our heads around to see Jacob standing behind me with his hands stuffed into his pocket.

"Can I speak to Kyla real quick?" He looks at De'Jah & Skyy.

"Go ahead." They both say unison folding their arms.

We all sat in an awkward silence for a minute or so.

"I meant speak to Kyla ... alone." Jacob chuckles.

"Oooh , right right." Skyy nods and starts walking away."Girl." she turns around to De'Jah who's still standing here."Come on , stop cock blocking." She grabs Dejahs arms and yanks her away.

"Im watching you." De'Jah mouths to Jacob.

"Oooh , scary." Jacob laughs sarcastically as they disappear down the hall.

"What's up?" I look up at him.

"Nothing , I see you used my hoodie ." He tubs at the hood.

"Yeah , it's coming in handy."

"You know them teachers ain't gone let you keep that on all day huh?"

"Yeah that's why I did this." I pulled the hood off of my head to reveal my face."I caked up on the make up that I have."

"It don't look half bad. " He touches my face as I wince."Oh my bad."

"You're okay , it just still stings a little." I shrug.


Chresanto's Point Of View

Science Lab

"Now you pour the in the other substance listed on your paper as step five & you're chemicals should mix to a bright gold." Our science teacher instructs the class.

I only have this class with Skyy , De'Jah , & my nigga Craig.

"Pssst , Chres." Craig whispers to me from across the room by his station with Skyy.

"Yo?" I whisper back to him.

"You see yo' girl getting close to Jay huh?"

"Who Ky? Yeah man I see."

"What'chu gone do?"

"I don't know man." I shake my head pouring chemical five in."I mean the most I can do is talk to her again. She her own person and she might just gotta learn for herself."

"What's so bad about them talking?" Skyy scrunches her eyebrows at us.

"You already know how Jacob is about girls." Craig looks at her.

"Exactly & don't nobody want that to happen again. Yeah we all cool but this Chres fam , and my friend , I don't wanna see that go down like that." De'Jah cuts in.

"Right . Ky like my lil sister and y'all know that. I don't want no dude to hurt her like that , she not even like that. Im doing this because I care about her." I added on shrugging my shoulders.

"Awww I ain't never seen you like this Chres." Skyy smiled.

"Yeah." De'Jah turned to me."You sound like a bitch boy." She laughed.

"Shut up," I chuckled pushing her shoulder."But you like this bitch boy." I smirked.

"Boy please keep dreaming. You not all that."

"Eaxctly , I'm all that and more."

"Concieted much?"

"Just a lil bit." I smirk .

"Y'all playing all these games knowing y'all feeling each other. It's been like this since elementary school . Just cuff already damn." Craig looks at us.

"Shut up." We both flip him off.

"Hey you four in the back , settle down. You're all still on step 5 , while the rest of the class is on 10 . Hurry up and catch up or your grade will only be half of a point." Our teacher yells as we groan and continue our assignment.


Kyla's Point Of View

I sigh going to my locker to try and put away my things . It's always a total struggle with this thing !

On que a hand banged it open & I looked up to see ,of course, Jacob.

"Will we always meet like this?" I laugh putting my things away.


"What are you doing here ? Its lunch time and the lunch room is the other way."

"Well I was leaving class and I saw you struggling so I came to help."

"Oooh saving me twice ?" We turned to walk away as I dramatically put my hand over my heart."My hero."

"Well you know how I do." He smiled.

His smile is amazing by the way. I don't know it's just something about it that mesmerizes you . To say he isn't my type , that smile is not a problem.

We both shared a laugh before finally entering the lunch room and going over to the vending machine. Today was sloppy joe day ... not really fond of sloppy joe.

We found the guys and popped a spot at the table. Everyone stopped talking and looked at us.

"Whaaaat?" I looked around the table.

"Why y'all two so late?" Craig raised his eyebrow.

"Oh I couldn't get my locker open & Jacob had to help me. I hope they get it fixed fast."

"I hope they don't." Jacob shrugged.

"Why not?"

"Because then I wouldn't have an excuse to see you everyday." He smirks side eyeing me.

"Ooooh." The table coo's as I look down and blush.

"We'll see about that Mr.Charming." I smiled nudging him arm.

"So why y'all wasn't here for lunch yesterday?" Chres asked Skyy.

"Because of his ass." She rolled her eyes at Ray.

"No it's because of YOUR ass." His eyes darted to her butt.

The whole table erupted into laughter as she smacked the back of his head.

"Ray slapped Skyy on the ass & she turned around to fuss at him. I was just laughing too loud so we all got lunch detention." Jacob laughed.

"Anyways , y'all coming to the party right ?" De'Jah asked.

"Fasho , Fasho." Craig nodded.

"What party?" I looked around.

"Mine." De'Jah answered.

"Oh . Is it your birthday ?"

"No , girl you've never had just a regular house party?"

"..........Does a tea count?"

"Hell no."

"Then no I haven't."

"Why didn't you tell her Chres?" Ray asked.

"Because she's not into all that ." He shrugged.

"Oh come on , you already know we have her back." Craig stressed.

"No Chres is right guys , I don't want to be the Debby downer of the party if I don't like it . I'll make everything so uncomfortable." I looked down.

"Look we got your back Kyla. You're apart of the family now , so we'll have it under all means necessary . Trust me on this one." Craig pleaded .

I sighed looking around the table at everyone's pleading faces.

"Ugh what time is it for?" I grinned.

"YEAH!" The table clapped as I giggled .


Jacob's Point Of View

Gym Class

I went by my locker to get my phone out & make a quick call. I rummaged through my things until I finally found it.

"Hey." Someone said behind me causing me to spin around.

"Uh , what's up?" I scrunched my eyebrows.

It was a girl with honey blonde hair , was about 5'4 , thick in the waist to be honest , and had a nice swag going on.

"You're Jacob right ?" She walked closer to me.

"U-Uh yeah , that's me."

"You're cuter than they say for a freshman."

"Thank you?"

She pulled my hands to her waist as we stood 3 inches from each others faces.

"I'm a sophomore by the way."

Older girl ? I like that.

"And I heard one of your little friends are throwing a party . They say it'll be live."

"Yeah we're known for our parties." I smiled.

She giggled and reached into her shirt."I might swing through but until then," she wrote something on my hand. "Call me." She winked before strutting down the hall.

As I was about to turn away to walk back to gym class someone came out of their classroom. I looked up to see Kyla going into the girls bathroom. I waited a few minutes for her to come out & when she did she went to the water fountain.

"Hey." I said causing her to jump and hold her chest.

"Jacob you scared me, but what's up?"

"Um you know when I asked could we do it again sometime ? You know before you left my car?"


"Well I wanted to chill again later on today. You down?"

"Um sure , I guess same place same time?"

"U-Um y-yeah." I smiled.

"Cool seeya later." She grinned and walked away.


Kyla's Point Of View

The August Residence , 88 London Dr.

As we entered the house I looked down at my phone to see a missed call from Jessica. I feel like I've completely abandoned my best friend.

I called her back as I sighed and brushed through my hair.

"What?" she spat.

"I'm so so so so sorry."

"Yeah okay."

"Please forgive me . Please please please please."


"Not even with .....rainbow sprinkles on top?" I said in a baby voice.

"Ugh fine I forgive you." She scoffs."But hey you know what next weekend is?"

"I wouldn't forget my own best friends birthday." I chuckled."I just wish there was a way we could spend time together in that time period."

"I know that'd be spectacular if you could come down here."

"I don't know I have to make the arrangement with my mom. Hey but speaking of my mom have you heard from her?"

"No but my mom did remember speaking to her."

"Oh well okay I should be calling her now. I'll ttyl."

"KK bye." she hung up.

"Ttyl?" Chres laughed.

"Shut up." I punched his shoulder.

I dialed my mom's number and waited for her to pick up.



"Oh hey sweetie I haven't heard from you in a while."

"I know ."

"What's been up?"

"I haven't seen Greg in a while so I've been over by tyana's."

"Ugh." she scoffed."If he isn't even going to take care of you , why would he fight for you in court? Im sick of him!"

"Aren't we all?" I rolled my eyes."But hey mom I wanted to ask you if I could book a flight down there next weekend?"

"Ohh sweetie I don't know the court hasn't-"

"No no it isn't for that it's for Jessica's birthday."

"Well I guess if that's what you're coming down here for. But I have to go now I'll chat with you later. Love you."

"Love you too." I smiled before hanging up.

"Ttyl? What does that even mean?" Chres laughed.

"It means talk to you later idiot." I grinned shaking my head."Where's Tyanna?"

"Upstairs but hey can we talk for a minute?"

"Um ..okay shoot." I sat on the couch.

"I know we've been arguing about this since day one but it's about Jacob."

"Chres." I sigh.

"Just hear me out Ky. I've been knowing Jacob since the 5th grade. I know how he is when it comes to girls . You're talking to an actual guy right now and if I say it's bad then it must be bad. He's my friend so I he's told me everything. Ky , you already know me & you go way back , you're my little sister. I'm going to be over protective , I'm going to nag you , I'm going to not want to see you talking to boys , but it's all because I care about you. Im not saying all this shit to try and change yo' mind about him , but I want you to rethink what you doing before you even do it." He sighs .

I look up at Chres feeling my vision getting blurry. I've never had someone besides my mother who cared about me this much.

"Aww Ky come here , don't cry. I ain't say this to make you sad." We engulfed in a hug as I chuckled wiping my tears.

"I'm not crying because I'm sad Chres , I'm crying because I'm overwhelmed."

"I don't know what that shit mean but imma go with you crying because you happy." He chuckled.

"Shut up goof." I laughed pulling away from the hug." I promise Jacob and I are just in the friend zone. I don't like him like that and I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me like that. We're just going out today to be friends."

"Alright I'm trusting you Ky." He held out his fist as I pounded it.

Just friends ....I think.


I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving , I can't wait until Christmas . :-) But everyone seems to be falling into place ... or maybe a few of them are a bit off the tracks.

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