<Jasper> A Boy Who Can't Apologize

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Chapter 5

<Jasper Coven>

"Get out of bed, Jasper!" My mom shouts irritably up the stairs.

I sigh and roll over on my side so I can see the time on the clock and gauge how much longer I can sleep. My eyes bulge out of my head when I realize that I have less than 20 minutes to get to school, which is an almost ten-minute drive away.

"Damn it," I grumble and fling back my comforter as I go searching for some clean clothes in my drawer.

I pull on my gray jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt to cover up the bruises that still haven't healed from the last time my dad beat me. I shake my overgrown hair out of my eyes and make sure my string bracelets are expertly placed so as to hide the cuts on my wrists. I exhale deeply and bend over to tie my beat-up Converse. I grab my bag from where I dropped it by the door and walk cautiously down the stairs, car keys swaying from my fingers as I reach the main floor landing.

The first thing I notice when I make my way into the living room is that my dad's awake. He's still seated in his chair, but he's actually alive and breathing. If this is what I wake up to then my day is really going to suck. I walk past him without so much as a sideways glance, my head held high and eyes focused forward. I hear him grunt from behind me, causing my head to whip around, so that I'm facing him. I find him glaring heatedly at me, the look burning my skin. His eyes are bloodshot and he's clutching one side of his head, a headache from his half bottle of tequila last night no doubt.

"Get me some scotch, boy." He grumbles and continues to clutch his head, his eyes painfully squinting shut.

"Is that really such a good idea, sir?" I cross my arms and imitate his previous glare.

"I didn't ask for back sass, boy. Get me the damn scotch."

"I have a name you know." I mutter and turn on my heel as walk out to the kitchen.

My mother gives me a weary look like she doesn't understand why I won't just give him the alcohol.

"He's so hung over he can barely function; I refuse to make him worse than he already is." I state and cross my arms over my chest which earns me a deep sigh from my mom.

"I know, Jasper." She hands me a banana and kisses my forehead.

"Thanks, mom." I say in a sincere voice. "See you after school."

She just nods, but doesn't confirm or deny that as I head out to my truck. I slip inside and rush down the dirt road that will take me to school. I put my foot on the pedal and accelerate way past the legal limit, thanking God that I'm the only one on the road. The school comes into view much quicker than I would've expected and soon enough I'm in the parking lot, just as a teacher comes out to close the gate and trap all the students inside.

The bell rings just as I pull into a park. I mumble a string of profanities under my breath as I grab my bag and run in the front doors of the school. The halls are deserted and my feet on the linoleum of the hallway are the only sounds in the school it seems. I walk towards my French class, which I sadly have every day. I knock on the door and wait for my teacher to let me in. He gives me a stern look and allows me to pass. I ignore the curious glances of my classmates as I sit down in the back, right behind the same girl from yesterday.

"Alors, nous allons parler de les devoirs de hier." My teacher claps his hands to bring us all to attention. "Je vais passer et les vérifer maintenant."

I take out my binder and search for my homework as the girl turns around. I look up and catch her soft brown eyes gazing at me, her head tilted slightly as if she's trying to figure me out.

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