The Reaping

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Then those happy moments were replaced by nervousness in an instant.

And we all know that when you turn 12, you will sign up for the first time on the Hunger Games.
It was a sad birthday for me and for my family, though birthdays should be a happy celebration, mine was dull and quiet. It felt like everything was about to change.

Mom and Dad was sitting by the table discussing something silently and my brother was comforting me on the sofa. Although I should be brave for the both of us, I still didn't sleep, scared that if I wake up, I would lose my family from a stupid game. 

And that my nightmares would rapidly increase.

The day of the reaping came.


The day, the day that my sister gets to sign up for the first time. I couldn't be more nervous for both of us.

We got up early today and walked to where the reaping ceremony is going to be held.
We went together with Uncle Gale and his son, Force who's also about to enter for the first time. I felt pity for Uncle because Force is the only family he's got for her wife died giving birth to Force. 

Everyone says you won't be picked for your first time.
But Aunt Prim was picked. But of course, mom volunteered. But that's still the same.

My sister and I signed up and joined the others but we were separated with the male and female. I felt a weight on my shoulders when I saw my sister looking at me. Fear showing through her eyes as she makes her way to her spot. 

Before the reaping, Mom, every year, would say a short speech about what happened during the rebellion against the Capitol and how she and President Finnick fought bravely together back then. And the speech goes on until it finishes when Mom talks about how Finnick kills President Paylor and replaces her as the rightful President for the thirst of justice to the fallen families abandoned after the war.

It is a good speech but we all know that Mom is just pretending to be fond of the President's idea. She's not really a good actress even back then. 
Always read and followed what the cards said with a frowning look stuck to her face.

After that, announcer came in and picked two names.


I was so scared when my brother and I were separated. My heart was beating rapidly and I kept overthinking about a lot of things. 
And I also thought that if Force was picked, Uncle Gale would be devastated. Besides the fact that Force is a little low on training, he is still a warmhearted person. So, obviously it would be hard for him to kill a tribute without a doubt. 

He won't survive a day, I thought to myself.

My heart is beating rapidly as I wait for the moment to end. Thinking that this is all a dream. I will wake up any minute now beside my mom and she will comfort me. Except I didn't wake up. And this wasn't a dream. 

"As always, ladies first."

I stare hard as the announcer held the first card. And right there and then, the moment ended.

The announcer said "Vision Mellark". Right there and then, I knew I lost it. I always tell them to be strong and fight. But right now, even I can't do what I needed to do.

Then all of a sudden, it all came rushing back to me. How Prim got picked on her first time as well, how I volunteered to save her, how I became the victor of District 12 for the very first time in years.

I want to volunteer. I want to raise my hand. But my age isn't appropriate anymore. There is nothing I can do but watch as my scared daughter goes up the stage and introduces herself, with every second killing me inside.

Everything about her will change.

I look at Peeta across our line and he gives me a reassuring look.

Closing my eyes, I breathe deeply and nod.
Vision has been a fast learner. She can shoot and hunt. She'll survive. I knew Peeta and I were thinking the same thing. She has a chance.


Going up the stage, I started to look for Force and Flame anxiously.

Then the Woman announced the boy's name "Force Hawthorne", my eyes were wide until,
"I volunteer as tribute!" A boy stepped forward and I didn't recognize him until he went up the stage. Then I start to panic and overthink again.

Without wasting a second, Dad rushed to Flame's side and tried to hold him and kept him away from going up the stage, but Flame was stronger.

"What's your name dear?"said the announcer. "Flame Mellark."

"My! what a pleasant surprise!" she said. "District 12's tributes, Vision and Flame Mellark, the children of your own champions! Let's give them a big round of applause everybody!"
But like every other reaping, no one applauded or seemed happy. But for the first time in years, they touch the three middle fingers of their left hand to their lips and held it out to the both of us.

Two peacekeepers guided us inside a building like robots. The moment my brother and I were together, I kept silent for a few seconds and only hug him.


She hugged me and I hugged back.
Then, after a few seconds, I held both of her shoulders and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Listen to me, Mom and Dad were prohibited to be this year's mentors. We're gonna have to train without them. For all I know, we shouldn't look weak once we meet the other tributes. So, it's okay to be vulnerable to me, but I need you to be strong, Vish. For me, okay? Can you do that?"

"I don't wanna die, Flame-"

"You're not! Listen to me, you're not gonna die. We just follow and remember what Mom and Dad taught us, okay? We'll be fine. Be strong, Vish."

She nods and hugs me again.

I needed to be strong so she'd be too, but deep down inside, I'm shaking in fear and worry. 

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