The Tributes

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After the dressing room, Aunt Flower showed me to my room which is on the 12th floor.
 But before I could enjoy my room, my brother came inside and told me that it was lunch time and we were needed quick so after lunch we have to prepare for the interviews.

Talk about rushing. 
Mom told me that when Finnick reopened the Hunger Games, he altered a few rules and usual stuff during the games.

The days of training got shorter, almost everything was changed except for the game itself/

When we were at the cafeteria, groups of people from different districts ate at our table and discussed if we needed allies.
So my brother and I thought that it wasn't a bad idea.

Speed and Speedia who was apparently Uncle Cinna's son and daughter who both have the ability to run a mile per minute and they're from District 1. Speedia is actually my classmate at school. (All districts can go to one school now.)

Naline, who doesn't actually have powers but she told me that she is brutal and can turn anything into a weapon. So I let her joined the team. From (District)3.

Inne, who can turn invisible which is quite helpful for us. Plus he's my childhood best friend so we can trust him. From 4.

And Brown and Oceania. Brown can camouflage himself on brown objects. While Oceania can camouflage herself in water without getting wet. From 7.
All of us gotten along just fine except for one catch. We forgot the EO which is the Extra One.
Every year since the 78th Games had started, the Capitol would pick one person from a district that will also be sent in the arena. And believe me that I have read and reread the rules about the EO. 

He/she itself can choose whether he/she wants to be a career or a tribute. 

He/she can also join others as an allie. 

No one can volunteer for him/her to take its place except if he/she is a child of a victor.

But fortunately can also come home if he/she can survive with another tribute. 

He/she can also pass his EO title to another person. 

But if he/she dies, only one can really go home.

So the announcement was going on and the woman said: "We will be picking a male this year." 

My heart was beating erratically because I have a lot of male friends in our district that doesn't need a trainer to remind them that they are low on fighting skills.
"The male will be coming from..District 12." 

My heart began thumping harder as my brother tightly held my hand motioning me to stay calm.

Everything went slow motion again just like the reaping. I looked at my brother with fear.
He was shaking his head at me but no words came out of my mouth which made him hold my hand tighter. 

Then my thoughts suddenly went to District 12. Is my family doing okay? What about Uncle Gale?  Force?
What about him? I'm sure he will survive but what if he passes his place to another?
His dad will be crushed if he'll do that. He's so caring and thoughtful about others.
The announcer held her breath and said...

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