The Deaths

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We tried to comfort Brown but he wasn't listening to us.
Instead he just slept while my sister embraced me.

At first, I didn't know why. But then I realize how scared she would be when I let her go home without me.
I wanted to go home too somehow but I know what it's like to lose every member of your family. When Aunt Prim and Grandma died, even though Vision and I never got to see them, every time Mom would talk about them, I can always hear her voice filled with pain. After all these years, it's still painful for Mom.

And that is how Uncle Gale would think.
When we decided to get some shut eye I stayed awake so I could watch out for my sister.

When I already made sure that we were safe, I slept and woke up at around 4 am and my sister was gone which made me nervous so I looked for her outside and tried to find her just a distance from the cave.

I can't see anything because it was still dark and I tried to make just a little bit of fire in my hands but it was so little that the wind blew on it and it darkened out again.
It took like 5 minutes and I eventually found her shadow in front of a tree.

"I decided to hunt for some food using my night vision eyesight. I left at around 3 am so the careers won't find me. And I also know that they don't have glasses cause who would give a damn about glasses in the Cornucopia when everyone else is killing people." she said. 

I was so relieved that I found her. She could've been killed if I haven't woken up. 

But after a few seconds, I calmed down. She's wise and her survival skills are pretty surprising. She's fit for her future. Something I can never do. And for that, she needs to live. 

When my brother found me, we heard a blast near our cave and we ran back.
We went back to the cave and we saw blood drops coming from the opening.

We rushed inside and happened to see Speedia dead.

Brown was stabbed in the heart but luckily, he is still alive.
When he saw us, he choked up more blood. "I tried to stop a career from killing Speedia but another one found me and stabbed me first. Speedia was shot in the brain. I didn't see Speed, Force and Invis. Well at least I'm going to see my sister again."  he smiled. I cried.

I held his hand and looked him straight on the eyes as if trying to tell him that he didn't deserve any of this. Any of this. And I guess he gets it cause soon after, he nods and smiles again. And surprisingly, he touches the three middle fingers of his left hand to his lips and holds it out to me. We just closed his eyes and after a second, a loud blast was heard. 

I hugged my brother for a moment thinking about what could've happened to the three.
Until we heard Invis' voice. We looked for him inside the cave and he and Force appeared which is the first good news I've received today.

Good thing Invis can turn invisible and Force can make invisible forcefields that can also hide another person.
The next day, I cooked early before the four of them, or before any of the tributes woke up.

While we were eating, Force told us what happened yesterday.

"I was awaken by Flame when he ran outside. I knew something was wrong so I woke Invis up and told him about it. Then we heard footsteps from outside and Invis quickly told me to shield someone that can fit into my forcefield. Invis turned invisible and I shielded Speed up cause he was the nearest to me. I slowly pull him by the corner to be safer but he woke up when Speedia was shot. I swiftly covered Speed's mouth from shouting. He had no choice but to shut his mouth and watch his little sister die. When the careers where out of sight, we hid deeper into the cave until it was a dead end. We started arguing until you guys found us."

I didn't say anything but hugged Speed who was silently crying. I hugged him tighter and I cried with him. 

After a while, I gave him some space and I just stared at the opening of the cave. I didn't notice Force walking up to me and tapped my shoulder. I looked at him.

"Vision, I'm sorry if I'm a burden to you. I know how stressed out you guys have been. But please promise me that you'll take care of my dad? And that whatever happens, I want you guys to know that whatever choice I make, I won't regret it." and it made me confused.

"W-wait. Force. S-stop." Flame says with a hint of fear in his voice. What is going on?!

"I know what it's like to lose a loved one. To wake up everyday feeling empty. Like something is missing. And I don't want you guys to experience that just because of me. And you have sacrificed way too much. So I'll return the favor.......I will pass my place to Flame." He just got up and walked outside.

"Wait. No!" I cried but Force was already outside.

I listened but my attention was on my sister's reaction.
My sister tried following him but Speed didn't let her.
We understood what Speed was saying.

I also agreed to Speed that we should give Force some time to think over by himself.

The day was quite fast and before we knew it, the Anthem was playing the next day.
Speed went deeper into the cave because he didn't want to see his sister's body being carried by a hovercraft. Great! 25 came in and 20 to go.
When it was finished we went deeper into the cave but found no sight of Speed.

We were questioning each other until we heard loud blasts. We were furious about the blasts.
My sister wanted to go outside to see who died but I said no to her because it might be dangerous because of the nonstop blasts. 

"What do you think is happening? Flame, I'm scared." Vision says as she looks at me. 

We listened until no blasts was heard. When we add all the blasts it was 15 blasts that means 15 people had died. But who killed them? 

After an hour, we went outside and found Force so Vision quickly hugged him. "D-don't do that again Force!" he nodded and looked at me. "15 blasts. I don't know who did it though." he said and I nodded. "We need to find the others." I said. But it didn't take long to find any tributes for we saw two shadows walking up to us. Closer and closer. 

Then I thought. This is it.

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