Chapter 8- Range Rover

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Tabatha's POV- 

Its so bright, light hitting my eye lids. I struggled to open them. They were crusted together from the sleep, gross. I slowly pulled apart my eyelids far enough to squint. I turned and looked at my alarm clock. 3:17pm WHAT! I slept this late! I haven't slept in like this since...I was a child and. I tried to sit up but feel back down to the pillow with a Massive headache. I laid there for a few hoping it would go away soon. It didn't, but I had to just deal with it.

I walked out of my bed possibly as slow as a freakin zombie. I drug my feet across the floor to the bathroom. I stepped inside the small room and shut the door behind me, I like my privacy. You never know when Harry's gonna randomly show. I wouldn't want him walkin in on me while I'm on the shitter. Hahaha that's what my dad calls it. I smiled at the thought of my dad. I miss him. He's always on the road. I washed my face waking me completely up now. I dried my face with the towel from the towel rack behind me and set it on the sink, I feel to lazy to put it back.

I wobbled to the kitchen for some food. I'm so hungry I feel like I'm gonna be sick. I try think of something to make fast before I throw up nothing. So I made some toast and scarfed it down within seconds. It got me full enough to hold off until breakfast. Its about 3:30 now and I have no idea where Catt is. SO, I decided to watch some Family Guy to kill time until she gets here. I recorded some episodes so I went to my list and the first one that came up, was the one I'm watching. Its the one where Peter and Lewis put their band back together for the talent show. I love Family Guy, its my favorite show. I kept checking the time probably every five minutes. I don't like waiting.

Its now ten minute later, 3:40 UGH I'm getting bored. I hear some some noises from the door that separates Catts room, to the hall. 3:45 she comes out with her black tang top and my sisters blue booty shorts. I smiled at her, she just loves short shorts. She hates the longer ones, she says they're kid-ish. I kept my big smile on to try and brighten her morning. I made my grin bigger with all me teeth showing. I just got my braces off the last year of high school from 8th grade. Those stupid things hurt. She looked at me for a second, smiled, then looked away and lost the grin walking to the kitchen. A few seconds later she walks out and stops ten feet in front of me. Like a goof I still have that creepy smile.

"Well good morning sunshine!" This smile is starting to hurt. 

"Did you make anything?" She pointed behind her to the kitchen with her thumb. Ignoring me.

"I said GOOD MORNING." She can be so rude sometimes. I think she's just grumpy from her beauty sleep. She would look like a dang model if she fixed her hair and changed her clothes. Tall and skinny. Oh yeah I could see it. She groaned at me and slouched her back.

"Good morning now are you gonna answer me?" 

"Yeah I just made toast but that's it." She walked to the bathroom doing the same thing I did, she washed up! To wake up! She came out looking better. Her hair was now in a bun and she had a smile on telling me she had woken up. God she sleeps in so late. It worries me.

"Well what are you waiting for?!" I looked at her. She paused for me to answer but I didn't. "Time to make some breakfast!" 


It was hours later and we were watching Impractical Jokers together. Its so funny hahahahaaha our favorite is Murr. He's not afraid to do anything. We laughed a lot as the show went on. I had the remote. I was trying to think of what happened last night. I don't remember going to bed. Maybe Catt knows. I paused the episode to ask for answers.

"Heeeeeeeeey I was watching that." She pouted. Her brows frowed together.

"What happened last night?" She looked at me blankly.

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