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✨chuning pov _ nite time✨

Qiliang was snoring loudly , i woke up due to a bad headace . When i was about to go to sleep i receive a message . It was from yixin , the message wrote :
" Chuning ! Can u come over my house for awhile , i very giddy im worried i would faint and nobody would know . My door lock be close so you can come in anytime . THANKS ! " upon seeing that chuning write a note to qiliang telling where she went and why before heading to yixin house .

🏠yixin house_chuning pov🏠
I opened the door and walked into yixin room . I didn't see her anywhere , i wanted to take my phone out and text her when i felt someone hitting me from the back . My vision blurred and slowly my world became pitch black .

✷qiliang house _ no one pov✷

Qiliang felt the other side of the bed as he wake up . He didn't felt chuning there so he immediately open his eyes . Well as expected chuning wasn't there ! He ran down and called for chuning but there was no response . Just then he saw a note on the table it reads :
" Dear qiliang , yixin told me she wasnt feeling well so i went over to look after her . I wont be back so soon , dont look for me too . I will be back once she recover , dont worry 😊 . LUV YOU 💖 "
So chuning is at her house . Ok then . He then felt relief , the thought chunning left home again .

※yixin hideout _ chuning pov※

I woke up in a dark environment both hands and leg unable to move , and tried to think what happen just now . Oh ! I went to yixin house and someone hit me in the back . Who could that be ? Why did that person do that ? Will it be yixin ? What if something happen to her too ? There was so many questions going on in my brain , just then i heard a sound " 你醒了啊 ! " i just kept quiet wondering who could that be . This sound is very familiar , i think its ... yixin but i thought she had change ." 很惊吓吧! 谁叫你们 , 那么相信我 ! " yixin said . Urh why must we believe her . I told qiliang i would be back in afew days time ! Now what !?

*afew days later _ qiliang pov *

Chuning isn't home yet ! I called and message her but she didn't answer , i could sence that happen to her !? I am dying not seeing her for so long ! I miss her so so much ! How i wish she was here now . * beep beep * my phone rang . OMG ! CHUNING CALLED ME ! FINALLY ! I was so happy ! I immediately answered the call and chat my mood change immediately . It was from someone unexpected .
" 喂 ! " yixin said
" yixin ? 真么是你 , chuning 呢 ? "
" 你的 chuning 啊 , 她在我手上 ! " yixin said smirking 😏
" 你 ... ! 我们那么相信你 ! 你却 ... " qiliang wanted to said something but was cut off by yixin
" 却什么 ! 我说过了! 我一必须把你们杀了 , 我才能逃走 ! " then she hang up . Wentai was at their house that day so qiliang called wentai to search for the IP addressed .

≠no one pov≠

They found the IP address and headed there immediately . When they reach they found out it was just somewhere in a park near their house . Qiliang was very worried for chuning .

↹yixin hideout _ chuning pov↹

Days has pass and i was waiting for qiliang . Yixin was much stronger then me , she has been punching me amd kicking me . I cannot take it anymore but i still stay strong and wait for qiliang to come . I know if i close my eyes i wont be able to see him again in my life .

≈qiliang pov _ two days ltr≈

I receive another call from yixin i answered .
" 被担心 , 你的 chuning 没事还没死 . "
" 你真么可以这样 ! " I said but yixin hang up the call . I called wentai to search for the IP address and we rush there asap . It was a ulu hut and i went in . I didn't see yixin but i saw chuning lying on the ground . " CHUNING ! "

>chuning pov<

I saw qiliang rushing towards me and calling me . I was too weak to answer , at least i see him now . I said and slowly my eyes close .

*qiliang pov*

" CHUNING ! NOTHING MUST HAPPEN TO YOU ! " i screamed i know she wont wake up if u continue screaming so i carried her up and brought her in my car . Chuning nothing must happen to you ! U cant leave tonglin and yuanren to me . They sre ur baby too u have the responsible to take care of them !

↷hospital _ qiliang pov↶

10 hours has pass and chuning is still inside doctors walking in and out making me feel nervous. She cant just leave me alone ! What about her kids , they need a mother ! I was very worried and i started to cry unknowingly and wentai started to encourage me "哥 , 大嫂会没事的 . 不要担心 . " After 20 hours the doctor finally came out . " 医生 ! Chuning 真么样了 ! " i ask the doctor hoping chuning would be fine . I dont anything to happen to her , tonglin and yuanren need her ! They are so young , i wouldn't be able to take care of them myself !

Note : 901 wordz . Wah so many wordz first time i write sooooo many . Wanna know what happen to chuning 😏 continue reading to fine outtt !!! 💕

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