enya is sick again

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*chuning pov*

when we reach home we showered and once we lay on our bed we fell asleep .

I woke up at 2am not because i have a headache , itz becuz i heard one of the baby crying . Oh enya is crying , i touch her forehead . OH GHOSH SHE IS HAVING A HIGH FEVER !!!! But at this time which clinic would be opennnn 🔫 . I think i have to wait to the morning then bring her to the doctors .

*nxt norning*

I told qiliang and he decided to go to the hospital as he could go and visit jiemin and wentai .

*no one pov _ hospital *

They went to the A and E first becuz enya temperature still very high . After they came out they found out the baby have a high fever which was not very high so she could go home . They then went to wentai ward and talked for awhile before going to jiemin ward .


" jiemin 快点醒来 . Wentai 明天就能出院了 , 他很担心你 . " qiliang said as tears started forming in his eyes😢 . " 对啊 . 快点醒来好吗 ? 我们也很担心你 . " chuning said .


" qiliang 我来开车把 . " chuning said as qiliang eyes is still watery and he might not be able to concentrate . He nodded and hop on the car .


" 我先去帮孩怎冲凉 . 你去休息 . " chuning said . After she showered the kids she was wet all over so she went to shower too . When she enter the room she say qiliang sleeping soundly so she decided to go out and buy lunch for him .


When she came home it was already 1 pm . He was still sleeping , she decided to wake him up as to eat . After they had eaten their lunch chuning decided to bring qiliang and the kids for a walk , since enya temperature has decrease . They had their walked at where they usually brought Flapper , those memory fun came back😢😭 . Before they went home they went to buy dinner for themselves .

🌄the next day_ qiliang pov🌄

After our breakfast we went to the hospital immediately as wentai could be discharge already . I was somehow happy . Wentai request to go find jiemin and we agreed . But we would have to follow him.

*jiemin pov*

I heard afew people talking to me , i think it is qiliang chuning and wentai . Im not sure i dont have the energy to open my eyes , i cant even move my finger . Then i heard someone talking to me " jiemin 快点醒来好吗 ? " oh its wentai . I really want to wake up now , i dont want them to be sad for me . I keep trying to open my eyes , i was listening to them talk too . Just when they was about to leave , my eyes fluttered open and i called them softly . Chuning and wentai stay while i saw qiliang running away , maybe he was calling the doctor .

Note : 502 words . Helloooo ! So yey jiemin finally woke up ❣❣❣ thanks for reading ! 💖
HAPPY CNY ! I wi update one tmr too !

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