The Third Song

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When he finally let me go, I climbed on top of a structure in the playground. I don't know why I did, but I did. Then I started the next song, and a noise not quite human came out when I heard the first words. I glanced at Ron and Scott, but they didn't seem to notice what had happened. After glancing around, I started reading.

You remember this song, don't you, Dally? Skinny Love by Birdy. Our song. Your song for me, right? That night when I showed it to you, that was the night I told you my feelings for you. And that was the night I decided I was going to do this. It might not've seemed like it, but I was dead inside. I was dead because of you. The poison called love had gotten to me. And you were the one who had unwittingly administered it to me. Y'know, love is the world's most dangerous poison. It kills so slowly, especially when the person you're in love with is completely oblivious to the feelings you harbor. And everyone, regardless of anything, is susceptible to it. Don't take this the wrong way, please. I'm not blaming you. Please don't take it like that. It's just, you never realized it. You never realized how I felt. And I was scared to tell you. Scared to let you in. No matter how many times you would tell me that it's alright, that you won't tell anyone anything about me, I was still petrified that you would. That's how I am, well, was. And, that was the death of me, both mentally and physically. That much I can tell you. Skinny Love, that's what it's called. When two people love each other, but they're both too afraid to admit their feelings for the other person. It's strange. But I guess that's one word to describe us, strange. Strange is the best word to describe us, because of how we are.

That was how it ended. With her description of us. "This is crazy," I heard myself saying. "It's like we're witnessing her descent into committing suicide."
"That's because we are," Scott piped up. "She's slowly becoming more sure that she'll kill herself, but she didn't know when. I guess we should've looked at these earlier, tried to help her sooner. But we're all too nice for our own good. We actually listened to her, not really worrying about what was in 'em. And that's kinda what got her killed." I found myself nodding in agreement, because his words rang true.
"That's because we thought she was done after the incident in the summer," Ron said with his head down, eyes fixated on the ground. "We thought that she wouldn't try again. God, we should've known better!" He stood up, looking ready to punch something. "If only she had tried opening up to us, then we wouldn't be here!" he roared.
"Maybe," I replied, "but then I wouldn't have met you two, and I probably would've been dead by now." They both looked at me in astonishment, evidently surprised that I had the same thoughts she did, much the same way Mourning Star reacted when I told her.
"You have those thoughts too?" Scott asked. I nodded, as a lump was beginning to form in my throat. "Yeah, I do. I've probably had them longer than she did, but she was so much more sensitive, and, as I found out, more prone to act on them. And she kept me living, for the longest time. She was the kind of person who could amaze you in different ways every day, and could always keep you happy. She helped me to live the way I feel I'm meant to, y'know? She always said just the right thing, and always at the best times. She was such a good artist, and such a smart person. But she never had any confidence. That was the only bad thing. What do you guys think of her?" They both were silent for a few minutes, and then Scott started talking about her.

I'm sorry to leave it here right now, but I wanted to get one chapter out this week for you few who actually keep up with this story. I may or may not have a chapter up tomorrow, it all depends on how I feel after my competition. Have a great one raptors, because that's you all deserve. Bye-bye!

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