Chapter 4 - Alec

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    I had to break that door down. For his sake and for my sake. Although it was hard to even stand on my broken leg, I kicked that door down like there was no tomorrow because I had no idea if there was. I had gained so much adrenaline and so much determination that I had to do it. "Hello?" said the voice "Whoever you are, help me please..." The stench hit me right away. Decay. Ill spare you the details but, I can definitely say that First Class went down a couple of levels to Last Class. Basically, more armrests, the less comfort and the more deadly. As I hobbled along, I realized the voice saying "help!" and "please!" for the last 2 minutes was getting closer. I finally found him. He had brownish hair and green eyes painted red with tiredness and pain. He was 17 but, again looked older with struggle. He was pale and limp. Probably from the lack of oxygen and blood. His name should have been distress, but it's Alec.

Now, I know you might think this is weird. A female saving a male but seriously, who the heck came up with that stereotype! Media! Books, Disney, TV shows, movies, headlines and the list goes on and on. I'm sick of people thinking of females as the weaker gender because the fact is that yeah, most males are stronger physically but, women are equally as strong if not stronger! There are different types of strength. Emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual. Our emotional strength of our love for our children or our friends is a bond that is hard to be broken which is why people think we are emotionally UNSTABLE. We get attached to things we STRONGLY care about, sometimes too much. So, I cried when I looked at my mother in her seat, as lifeless as can be. Who wouldn't? I know both genders would.

Imagine if someone you loved took up half of your heart. They would leave you with your half. Once their half is gone, its hard to find another because in your view all of the people you meet are just a quarter in your world. You feel like you will never find another half. Even if you find someone slightly more than a quarter, how do you find that extra 20%? You won't. Then you start to give up on that 30% because no one can replace the hole the half left in your heart. Do you know why no one can replace that half? Because the half left 1 or 2 percent for you to keep and to help you remember. It alters your brain in a way you never thought was possible. Sometimes your half of your heart gets slowly ripped apart too. Then what are you left with? The people who do this are known as bullies. Most of the time it's not you. Their half is just deteriorating.

This pain injected boy sat there in his death chair completely barren. I had no clue what to do. I finally looked at him a little closer and saw that he was bleeding pretty badly from his forearm. His face was going paler with each excruciating breath. I decided to turn his shirt into some make- shift gauze. "I hope this doesn't hurt." I said as I reached towards his shirt. It was quite easy to tear given it was a pretty light material so, I took the strip and tied it around his arm. It easily soaked up some of the blood and I knew that soon I was going to have to replace it. I soon realized he wasn't just going to spring up and start walking around so I staggered around the plane finding some drinks such as wine and water and decided to use them to keep him hydrated. I couldn't be the only one to survive this crash. I could save us.

"Who are you?" Alec said as he woke 5 minutes later, "Hi, I'm Ebony." I said. "And you are?" "Alec." He reached out to shake my hand and winced. "Ow!" He said surprised. "You should rest that. You hurt it in the crash." I said. "It's pretty bad." "You wrapped this?" He questioned. "Why?" "I heard you saying help and I.. Came to see what happened." I said smirking. "What happened to your leg!? How did you get in here?" He asked. "Long story. Can you get up and walk?" I asked standing up. "Yes I think so. The question is can you?" He said as he got up from his seat. "Do you know where the exit is?" I asked. "Ya it's that way." He said as he pointed forward and to the right. "Perfect lets go then." And we toddled of into the sunset. HA! Ya right. Get a hold of yourself Ebony. That was going to be a long night.

Left Alone - by IvyWhere stories live. Discover now