Chapter 8 - Violation

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    I said goodbye to Abella around 8:00 so that she could start to wake everyone without suspicion. As I tiptoed to my room I saw Alec starting to wake up. I thought he almost saw me as I hid behind the wall. I got into my room successfully and laid down under the covers. I actually fell asleep until about 9:10 when Abella came in to wake me up. She was carrying two bags of laundry but still insisted on taking mine. I gave in and reached for her hand to give it to her, but she flinched and I remembered the large cut on her upper arm. "Can I see it?" I asked. She shook her head and turned to walk out of the room.

Charles, Alec, and I got up and went into the dining room for breakfast. Roi d'echecs stayed in his room while the three of us ate and spoke. "Are we going to the Echiquier today?" asked Alec. "Sure." said Charles. "It looks pretty big from the outside." I said. "If we had more tourists it would be quite the attraction, but it is also not very attractive." explained Charles. "Shall we?" said Alec getting the attention of Abella. She gave us our coats and we were off to the orphanage. As Charles and Alec and I stepped out I heard Roi d'echecs yell for Abella and I secretly hoped she would be alright.

We started down the path until we got halfway there and I realized that I had forgotten my hat. I told the boys to keep going so I could go back to the house and meet them at the Echiquier later. As I was about to walk in the door I heard screams and grunts. I had a feeling about what was going on. You can say all you want but I feel like this information is important. Abella and/or another maid was getting raped. That word chills my bones and sends needles up my spine. It is easily one of the worst crimes anyone can commit. The worst thing is the fact that I knew it probably wasn't illegal in this town.

I wasn't sure what to do. If I barge in and demand Abella be freed would he listen? I have seen the way he has looked at me. He finds it strange that I am not begging to rub his feet or clip his toenails. This is how he grew up. With the vision in his head that women were to do everything for men and that this was completely normal. If I barge in, will he get up and hold me at gunpoint until I too "sacrifice" myself to him. Abella wouldn't do anything about it. She was brought up to be submissive to men and to do whatever they want her to when they want her to do it. For the rest of the world in 2015 this is seen as history and it is just a chapter in our boring textbooks. Stuff like this happens more than we realize.

After a few more seconds of pondering what to do, it stopped. I was about to make my way to the orphanage when Abella was thrown outside naked and called a slut very loudly. I was about to go to her when bed sheets were thrown out the window onto a puddle of mud. The window closed loudly and the neighbourhood started to stir back to life. Laughs erupted from the crowds of men as Abella picked up the sheets. It was then I realized that I had to take action. I went over to her and took off my coat so she could wear it. We quietly got to the back of the house where she sat down on the grass and just cried. Heartbreaking scenes of drama had just played out in full audio. Sometimes you don't have to see to believe.

She was very bloodied and obviously hurt. I couldn't imagine what it must have been like. All of his makes me realize how much of a friggin' baby I was being at the start of this. I thought I didn't have any friends but I had my Mom. I know who my parents are and I know where they are. I got to eat everyday and the only chore I had was to clean my own room. My life story would be heaven compared to Abella's and all of the other maids living here in Les Pions. My life is nothing like theirs, but I intended to change theirs for the better. Les Pions is an abusive 20th century cult and should be shut down. It was my intention to make that happen. 

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