Chapter 12 - Sacrifice

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   All of a sudden I heard a soft crackly voice say "The French Riviera". As I turned around, I knew who it was but I wanted to check to see if it was real. "Roi d'echecs?" "It's beautiful isn't it. Being away from civilization. Making your own rules. Being in charge for once." It was him. "I don't want to hear about your daddy issues. Get out of here." I responded. "Oh, is that any way to talk to someone who practically saved your life." "You might have helped us but you also helped me see how insane you are." I said. "Ebony, I know everything that goes on in my house. I saw you help my maid that night. Why would you want to help her again?" said Roi. "She's a person. You can't just do anything you want with her without her consent." I said almost in tears from fear. "She's my property. She agreed to that when she signed my contract." he said with a terrible smirk on his face. "So, I'm going to take her back now."

He walked over to Abella to wake her up. I couldn't let her go back. This psychopath would surely kill her if not right away then slowly. So, I did the most irresponsible thing ever and jumped on his back only for him to turn around and throw me off. I could see he was about to yell so I said something I never thought I would say, "I'll take her place." You must think me insane. I barely know this Abella but it felt right somehow. "Well well," he said. "That's seems rather fair as long as you sign the same contract." "Fine. But we leave now. I don't want anyone to know." I said, now in tears. "Shall we then?" he said as he pointed towards the door. Regretfully I walked towards that door. The door to eternal unhappiness for me but not for Abella. I took comfort on the way to the house in her getting her life back.

For once in my life, I thought of myself as heroic. When we got to the house, Roi d'echecs took me downstairs and told me that he was going to send Alec back to Minnesota tomorrow morning and not to come upstairs. He told me that he would tell everyone that he booked me on a flight later that day. I sat down in a chair and cried until I saw the sun rise. So, all of that happened over the course of the next few days. Alec left without a goodbye and nobody knew where I actually was. He went to see his family. It seemed like everyone was going to be happy except for me. Unless he elaborated about the shit that went on in this town which I doubted he would.

I worked for him reluctantly while I wasted my life away. The other servants taught me everything including a new piano skill that I never knew I had. I never knew what happened to Alec aside from hearing that Fleurette went to Minnesota for him and then never came back. A month or two went by after that very slowly until one fateful day when I got very sick and had to go to the hospital. A maid and I walked there because we weren't aloud to use the cars as they were for Roi d'echecs only. One car that was never used was Charles'. He moved out shortly after Alec and Fleurette left to live with his fiancé and life went on. For them anyway.

When we got to the hospital, they said they couldn't do much without any history so they said they would contact my local doctor in Minnesota. Luckily, I remembered her name and asked if I could write a note to go with it. I also remembered my dad's address. I wrote him saying that I was stuck here and needed a ticket to get home. The process after that went pretty smoothly except for the fact that it took longer than I wanted it to. When I got the call that the doctors office had an envelope for me I got very excited and went over immediately after Roi d'echecs dinner. I called the servants phone downstairs to relay the news. Well, kind of...

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