Chapter 13 - Epilogue

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    I told Mr. Hiligan, the butler, that I had to stay at the hospital over night and would be back the next morning before Roi woke up which was obviously a lie. It was kind of insane how easy that was, but then again what else is new in the crazy department. Oh yeah, maybe the fact that I was absolutely fine with going on another plane. So, I got home to Minnesota and couldn't stop smiling when I saw posters for the Minnesota sate fair. My dad came to pick me up. It was really weird considering that I hadn't lived with him full time since my parents got a divorce when I was younger. It was weird in a good way though. Despite my own pessimistic thoughts back in hell also known as Les Pions back on the south-coast of France.

Now I'm 84 years old back in the hospital where I took my first breath. I'm sitting here ready to finish my life in 2069 with a family of my own and grand kids of my own as well. Granted they definitely aren't kids anymore, one of them, Charles, is just about 15 right now. I hope he can have a very different life then mine at 15 but one just as exciting. After that whole situation was over I found out that Fleurette and Alec got married and had a few children. I got in touch with him and Charles and we started to talk about pressing charges on Roi d'echecs for what he did or at least telling someone about the mysterious colony on the edge of the French Riviera called Les Pions and the women's job's and the Echiquier and even Chevalier Cafe. That's why I wrote all of this down. I needed to tell everyone about what happened to make me disappear for a couple of months in France. To tell my dad why I didn't write to him. To get some closure for Abella who now sits beside me as we wait for my heart to stop pumping blood and my body to go completely numb in waiting for Heaven to open it's doors to me. Somehow I knew that my story would end on chapter thirteen. The most stereotypically unlucky number out there. In my case though, I realise how lucky I was. To have a family and to only feel lonely and not actually be. I always had people there to help me along.

Be grateful for what you have because someone could always have it worse, but in saying that, remember to fight for who you are and who may not be able to speak for themselves. Help people out as Abella has by being my friend and confiding in me that first night I talked to her in my room 54 years ago. And how she just helped me write all of this down because I couldn't. I'm dying, but I'm going to have my hero, Abella, sitting beside me for the next few hours of my life. We both helped each other become living again and now I tell her that I love her one last time before I say goodbye. I will always remember watching The Fault In Our Stars on the plane before the crash and I will always remember how she said that it makes no sense to fear oblivion. We can't change how things might end for us so there's no sense in being afraid of it for the rest of our lives. The only thing we can do is live and be happy in our ending hours; and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Goodbye everyone, and thank you Abella for being my hero. I love yo-                                       

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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