Natsu Xreader

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(Y/N) POV 

I had my headphones on and put my playlist on shuffle singing along to the songs playing. Lucy and Levy joined in a few times making me smile. I've been here only a few months and already I've made a few new friends like Gajeel, Laki, and Erza (If you know Laki then you really know Fairy Tail) The guys in the guild looked at us weirdly never hearing the songs before. 

"Never heard of Falling In Reverse?" I ask Natsu as he sits beside at of the me listening to the beat of the music through my headphones. 

"It's impossible to fall in reverse." Natsu says confused. 

"Its a band Natsu!" I shout loudly getting annoyed he never heard of one of my favorite bands before. 

"Sorry (Y/N) but you have to admit your music choices are weird." Natsu says making you growl angrily.

I put my headphones over his ears and give him a death glare before starting the music again. Raised By Wolves by Falling in Reverse played through my headphones and Natsu was about to take them off before the song even started. I slapped the back of his head and gave him a death glare making him lower his hands and cower in fear. 

  I was lost now I'm found
I'm by the sound
Of the me to sleep
While my feet are leaving the ground
Am I dead? Or am I dreaming instead?
A cornucopia of opiates have flooded my head

"(Y/N) What does cornucopia of opiates mean?" Natsu asks me childishly breaking me from my thoughts. 

"I'll explain later just keep listening." I try to say angrily but it comes out quiet and sad.

I'm insane, I am smart
All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions
And do what I do best to
Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves
Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't
Play by the rules

I sigh running a hand down my face thinking back to the first time I came to this guild. It wasn't my dream to go here it was my complete opposition. I'm a Wolf Slayer that doesn't have a real family and you guessed it was raised by magical wolves and one guy that I now is evil. They didn't abandon me I ran away.

I will never spill
Spill my blood  for you
You have let me down
One too many times

"This part's kinda ironic isn't it (Y/N), this guild spilled blood for a lot of people?" Natsu says smirking and chuckling slightly. 

"Yeah I guess Natsu." I say my memories flashing faster through my mind. I'm in my old dark guild Spirits Of Hazard I'm older and I've grown to say that that guild are my friends but not my family.

Someway, somehow, we've fallen out
Caught in between my enemies
No way not now, I won't back down
I draw the line at you and me
You're what I started, now disregarded
One day they'll see, it was always me

My guild was destroyed my friends were forced to run, the few staying losing badly to the man that took care of me as a kid. I couldn't choose a choice fast enough and the man grabbed me despite my struggling and fighting I couldn't escape but something in the back of mind made me fight harder as I looked at my unconscious friends. I turned on the man that raised me most of my life and killed him by myself.

Due to mistakes, I have made to the state
I am trapped inside a Dillinger
Diligently thinking of ways to get out of this god awful place
I have learned that my fate is something I can't escape so

Sound the alarm, what I've said from the
Is I'll never let your system break me down or tear me apart
Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves
Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't
Play by the rules was lost now I'm found

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