Juvia's Flashback

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Gray sat in the pool his swim trunks magically flew off and he couldn't find them. He decided to stay in the pool and sighed.

Juvia chuckled from far away holding Gray's boxers. Once he ran out she would see it all first hand. She smiled dreamily as she imagined Gray-sama in pool.

"Oh don't you want to hop in with me Juvia. Ditch those clothes we can make five children together and get married. Forget all the love rivals." Gray said in her daydream, he said a pink blush on his face and water trickled down him and his muscles in a very..... sexual way. Only some kind of Juvia censorship worked to cover that baby maker and his man nips.

Gray was doing this on the other hand.

"MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Gray screamed for a good five minutes panting a bit before getting out the pool.

A few people around laughed and others screamed trying to cover their eyes, but Juvia she just watched as the blush spread across her face. At the moment she was thinking for once it isn't censored.

"Juvia-san approves Gray-sama!" Juvia yelled hearts in her eyes.

Gray blushed darkly and glared at her storming off. To this day Juvia no longer has a censored Gray in her daydreams.

Vote if you like. XD I know it's been a super long time since I've updated this but I want to give a shout out to Shyskydragon even though we haven't talked in awhile this person still tagged me and everything. Give her some love and read her fanfics. Also sorry for the shortness. 

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