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We tread too loudly, too strongly, 

on this earth. 

We smear our 




all over the canvas 

and call it art. 


We try to fix it, 

the mistake, the blotch of shadow, 

try to return the pureness, 

the innocence, the original glory, 

but it is gone, 

and all we have are

tear-streaked skies 


star-soaked nights. 


We regret, oh we regret our choices, 

our bad decisions.

It is such unsatisfactory art, 

and we paint all over it, 

we try and try our best to erase 

but all we end up doing is 

walking with thundering, 

destructive steps, ravaging the land, 

and we smear it more, 

we make it worse.  

And when we look back at that sore, 

sorry waste of color, 

we step back, 

not lightly, of course, 

and call it art. 

watercolor thoughts [completed]Where stories live. Discover now