xxii | b l o s s o m s

59 16 7

inspired by my visit to Japan.

Cherry blossoms


there is something beautiful in a world of pastel colors,

no, not the world of grays and monochrome

there is something beautiful how the ceiling

is painted in glorious shades of blue

and pink, a pretty mosaic on a church wall,

no, not the ceiling of neons and platinum.

and there is something beautiful in the way

that (not snow, not rain, not dandelion seeds)

cherry blossom tears that fall gently

to the newly sprung grass floor

(no, not the cold marble floors) and

it is not trash that litters the ground,

but pink petals of spring.


she told him of towering trees:

black barks and ornament strings

of pink of all shades.

but he told her of towering steel

buildings, ugly man-made


so cut down the pink trees,

he said, cut them down.

but what is so beautiful

of these ugly shades of gray?


 i wander through cherry blossom trees by the glistening river, dressed in pink yukatas. a wind flutters through the branches and a rain of pink flurries drift through the air, amiable and unrushed and elegant. they traverse the air, dropping here and there daintily, sometimes on the ground, on a soft patch of dirt, on a laughing grandpa's head. he smiles, laughs joyfully, his mouth forming a pleasant smile as the wind carries the fragrance of the sakura flowers. the ground has become a soft carpet of pink cotton candy. i walk through the scene of tranquility, so fragile and breakable, carrying the memory of a pink world back with me.


Aghhh I haven't written poetry in so long so I'm a bit rusty (again). Thanks for all the views, if it's not too much to ask my goal is to hit 500 views and then 1K. It's a big goal, probably unreachable, but I think I can do it. Thanks to those who stuck with me and supported my poems! I love you all. <3

I know there are a couple people out there who have been voting on every chapter or making the sweetest comments. I can't find your usernames, so let me just thank you anonymously. You don't know how much it means to me. Next time, I'll figure out who you people are. >;)

((I've been in a major writer's block lately, so I really need inspiration. AGHH HELP ME.

Anyway, if we're still talking about writer's block, I have SOO many story ideas, but I never write them. I don't know when I'll ever manage to complete a story, in fact. (And also, I can probably win a contest for most books in the Wattpad library. Like seriously. I'm never going to get through all of them.) ))

So, thanks for reading this rant. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sticking with me, voting, reading, commenting, all that. I love you guys so much. I think I understand what it means, to love people you've never met.

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