xxxx | t h e d e f i n i t i o n o f d a t i n g

55 12 21

may come back and edit, i believe it needs polishing

dedicated to this lovely friend @lJojol for your support! 

the definition of dating

neighborhood boys 

used to play dolls and house

with her but now 

they want to play a different

game with her

one that involves blood and

bone and skin and touch

girl, loves a boy and 

miracles above miracles

he loves her back

but she soon realizes

he loves not because 

of who she is

but how she looks

and the way he greedily stares

at her makes her think

she is nothing but a body

to warm the night

i don't need boys to define me

as my worth

she listens and watches

as the people around her 

seem to become hungry animals 

taken over by some wild 

spirits with wild appetites

that left her behind

and she wonders why spirits

shied away from this invisible

girl with only a pretty face

and a "hot" body

i will not be objectified 

she wonders why she 

doesn't want to be touched

why she doesn't enjoy 

the things her friends 

enjoy wonders why the taste

of another person's

lips on hers seem so putrid

why is it her definition 

of dating not encompass 

anyone else's 

they say she has no heart

no heart to love

what is a love scene

without kissing, 

without closed doors 

and closed shutters

and turned off lights?

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