v | f a u l t ii

166 35 12

fault (ii)


The ghosts,

the phantoms,

they dance tonight.

They twirl on your bedroom walls

while the shadows sway.

It is all in your head,

it is all just a game in your head.

And you fight what they tell you,

you battle with all your might,

you tell them what they say is not true,

because you are pretty, you are cool, you are skinny and

you are a work of art.

But you know this is not a fight

you can win,

this is a game you play where those

inside voices always conquer.

Your brain lies.

Your heart lies.

Your vision swims with wraiths and ghosts

and there is no escape,

you have never been free.


We fogged our own vision,

you see,

planted a false key

but you have no exit,

no lock to unlock,

we just live in a maze

of locked doors,

and no one is king.

the ghosts and phantoms

dance tonight.

We let them win,

we let something inside of us

devour us from inside.

We created our own oblivion

and all this time,

monsters have been

keeping company.

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