xxvi | d a n c e

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Thanks, @FaithfulBreed38, for voting on my chapters and adding it to your reading lists! 

Thanks, everyone, for a little over 600 views. I love you all. To those who've voted, commented, and added my story, I will recognize you if I can find you. Thank you so much everyone!!!

inspired by my school's dance yesterday 6/4/16


Little girl,
sitting alone by the tables
watching the dance go on
watch how the music seems to
control their bones to contort
into swaying motions like
a snake enchanted by music.
she hates this place
hates the loud dance songs
One Dance shakes her bones
and it calls her to
join the flashing lights and
crowds but she doesn't feel
comfortable in this sea of people
and she doesn't know any dance

and then the lights go down
and it's like nothing matters anymore
she forgets everyone
there's only her,
the music,
her friends,
the flashing lights
making snapshots of intervals
between light and dark
making shadows of flashes
of faces but this is all a blur
because the only thing that matters
is the music pumping through her
blood as furiously as frantic
and each beat is in sync with
her own heartbeat and the music
is in her heart
the music is her.
she feels the music in her
blood, as intimate and
it feels like a part of her
is complete and she raises her
hands and dances
letting the music decide
because she is the music
and she will dance like no
one is watching
all self-doubts and worries
vanish like the fog machine
pumping out mist
like exhalations of crazed
creatures ready for another
song to fill their bodies
and paint colors to their skies
of multicolor lights
and she doesn't know what she's
she's dancing and screaming
like it means her life
like there is no tomorrow
and she goes with the ebb and
flow of the music
and lets herself get high
on life because she is the music
her ears are the receiver of the
melody and without her
there is no music
she is the music.

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