xxxii | s h e e p

41 12 4

i'm going to try that style one more time, i'm not sure if I like it. Please give me feedback! Also, I'm so close to 900 and then 1K, thank you all for the support!!!


under midnight moon

your silhouette is you, 

lined by broken glass. 

nightlight offer little comfort

nightmares become real,

tangled hair makes a chokehold

around my neck,

nightlights are secretly ghost makers. 

fingers feel thick, 

tie a slip knot, 

whisper a chant for dawn,

chase the ghosts away. 

(they've made my hand a 

skeleton out of days 

that is a dream away)

ghosts remain,

it's chased the sheep away, 

fleece like coal-dark wires

and tangled hair, 

a noose.

(hopefully it's a slip knot) 

hide-and-seek with ghosts

is hard.

(my mind is playing me.) 

fade away into broken glass.

sheep's all gone, 

I count my regrets instead. 

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