When Daddy's Away

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When Daddy's Away
C: purpleeyestelllies
Liam goes to visit his professor father at Uni and instead gets a tour of the facilities by an older, flirty Zayn.

Oh, yeah. God, yeah. Fuck me, man. Fuck me.

Liam's pants were at his knees and his laptop was sitting between his bent legs on his bed. His hand was lighting fast on his cock as he barreled, embarrassingly fast, towards his release. Well, it would be embarrassing, if he weren't a seventeen-year-old boy that had finally gotten the courage to watch gay porn.

He'd been working up to it for almost a year now; ever since he'd started noticing he was watching the man more than the woman in all the videos he downloaded when he'd told his mom he was doing homework. Apparently, a lazy Saturday morning with a heavy morning wood was just the push he needed. Now, he finally did it. That dark-haired man was fucking that small boy with bright eyes and really great shoulders so hard that he had to hold on to the edge of the bed.

He was moaning like that slightly older man was giving him the grace of God, and Liam knew. He knew it was fake, and all for the camera, but God, if he wasn't so hard it hurt. Liam's hand was dripping with lube since he'd been a little nervous at the beginning and used too much, but that was the last thing on his mind as the bottom reached under himself, barely caressing his cock like he wanted to hold off but needed it so badly.

Gonna come?

Yeah, oh God, yeah.

Liam squeezed tighter over his head on his up-stroke, gritting his teeth to keep quiet.

"Liam, honey don't for- oh, my God!" Karen was suddenly shielding her eyes and frantically waving her hand around.

"Mum!" Liam was frozen for at least a good five seconds with his hand on his cock, the deep sounds of the top's moans and the slightly lighter sound of the bottom's resounding in the thick, heated air of Liam's bedroom.

When he unfroze, many things happened. Karen mumbled apologizes as she quickly shut the door. Liam slammed his laptop shut with a furious slap, the sounds of two gay men silencing soon after. And, Liam looked down to see himself still surprisingly mostly hard, and still horny. It was a testament to his teenage sex drive that his own mother couldn't kill his stiffy when he was so close.

Liam groaned and pulled his pants back up. He couldn't very well get off now, not when his mom knew what he was doing. So, instead, Liam showered and pulled on some shorts before he went trudging downstairs to face it. Karen was at the stove, flittering around making breakfast, but more nervous than usual.


Karen jumped three feet in the air, a hand on her heart, and gasped. "Oh, Liam. You scared me."

"Yeah," Liam bit his lip awkwardly. "So...." He scratched at the edge of the counter. "I'm sorry about that-"

Karen put a hand to Liam's cheek. "Honey, don't be sorry. I should've knocked. I promise to from now on." She nodded resolutely. "It's a wonder this hasn't happened sooner. It's perfectly natural to be experiencing these-"

"Mum," Liam groaned. "Can we please not have this talk? I know what's natural and all that."

Karen frowned sympathetically. "And about the, um, video." She shrugged her shoulders. "You don't have to explain anything to me unless you want to."

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