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After Melanie left, her boyfriend walked away somewhere since he had been left and didn't have another ride.

"Your friend left her purse, sir. And um you have to pay for your drinks," said the guy who helped us.

I took Melanie's purse, gave him $50, and got in my car.

I wasn't going to bring her purse to her until later in the day because I didn't feel right just popping up at her place so I just went home.


Melanie left her phone in her purse, so I went through it to find her driver's license so I could figure out where she lived.

She didn't live too far from me so I was just going to bring her purse back to her today.

When I walked out of my condo, Sariyah was just about to walk up to my door.

I started to continue walking to my car and when I got there, she stood beside me and started talking.

"Bae, where are you going?" she asked grabbing my arm.

I snatched my arm away from her. "Sariyah, go home."

"I am home," she said looking back at my house.

"No. Your house where you pay your bills." She looked down at Melanie's purse as I got in my car, disregarding what I had just said to her.

"Is that for me?!" she said before I could shut my door.

I shook my head. "This is someone else's."

She put her hand over her chest and gasped. "Are you cheating on me?"

I mentally rolled my eyes and ignored her. I started my car and backed out of my driveway. Sariyah started running after my car and stood in front of it when I got on the street. She started saying something but I couldn't hear her. I was trying to keep myself from running her over.

I put my car in reverse and started driving backward in the parking lot. When she finally gave up, I started driving correctly and was on my way to Melanie's house.

I got to her apartment and walked inside the building and asked someone which apartment was hers.

I walked up to her door and rang her door bell. Soon after, I heard little footsteps coming towards the door.

"Ma, someone's at the door!" I heard a little kid yell. Must be her son. He started to try to reach the door knob before Melanie came to the door.

"Quise, don't try to open the door if I'm not with you," she scolded. "Who is it?"

"Q." Then, she opened the door with her son on her hip.

She looked at me confused. "How'd you know where I live?"

"Well you left your purse and your phone last night, so I found your driver's license," I explained giving her purse to her.

"Oh right. Thanks."

"You're welcome. This your son?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "Say 'Hi' Marquise," she told him.

"Hi," he smiled waving at me.

I smiled back at him."Hi." I looked back at the unfamiliar car. "Is ol' did here?"

"Oh, no. That's my friend's car." This was getting awkward.

"Oh. Cool. Well uh, bye," I said starting to walk back to my car.

"Bye. Thanks again."

"Bye!" he son yelled waving at me and I waved back.


"Who was that?" Amaya asked as I walked back into the kitchen putting Marquise down.

"That was Quincy."

Her eyebrows rose. "Oh. What did he come by for?"

"He just brought me my purse." Finishing my sentence, I heard a knock at the door. I threw my head back because I had just sat down.

Whoever was at the door started knocking even harder. When I go to the door, I didn't open it up because Darius was standing on the other side.

"Melanie, please open the door," He begged.

"What do you want, Darius?"

"You to open the door. I live here too." He was calmer than I expected him to be.

No, I'm not letting you in."

"Yeah, you can take your ass somewhere else because she's not going to let you beat on her!" Amaya put her two cents in.

"Wow. No one asked you shit, Amaya. Mel, open the fucking door!" Darius started banging on the door, no longer calm, making me flinch.

I walked away from the door, went to get Marquise, and walked to my room with Amaya following me. Darius continued banging on the door and jiggling the doorknob trying to get in the house. He had never been so aggressive other than the night before and I didn't want to find out what else he was capable of doing.

While trying to get to my bedroom, Marquise was trying to get out of my hold to open the door for his father.

"But Ma that's my dad at the door," he cried.

"I know. Just stay with auntie while I go talk to him for a second. Okay?"

"Okay," he said putting his head down.

I walked out of my room shutting the door behind me and walking to the front door.

I looked out of the window next to the door to see Darius sitting on the steps.

As I opened the door, he turned around and stood up.

"Mel, I'm sorry," he said trying to grab my hand.

"Please don't touch me," I moved further away from him.

"I shouldn't have put my hands on you like that. You just made me angry when I saw you with that guy."

I rolled my eyes. "So you hit me because you felt insecure?"

"What you doin' with that nigga anyway?" he ignored my question.

"I can't have guy friends now?"

"What you need guy friends for? You got me. I'm the only nigga you need."

I shook me head. "No, see, that's where you're wrong. I don't need you. You can leave right now and I'll be unbothered.

"Fuck is you sayin'?"

"I'm saying I don't want to be with you anymore. You can come see 'Quise whenever you want, but you and I can't be together anymore..."


Kinda shorter chapter than usual. Just something to show that yes, I am still alive. I hope you enjoyed.




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