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After Melanie left, I went back inside to go talk to Courtne and my mother who were now trying to leave.

"So y'all ruin my dinner and now try to leave like you didn't do nothin'?" I questioned.

"I didn't do anything wrong. It's your choice who you decide to hang around. I just want to help you make the right decisions but you choose to hang around these... these... niggas!" my mom went on.

"I'm grown, Mama! If I felt like these 'niggas'," I air quoted, "were no good, I wouldn't hang around them."

"Honey, he's right. Maybe you should fall back a little bit," my dad cut in.

She threw her hands up in defeat. "You know what? Forget it. I tried to help you. I tried to keep you from making stupid choices but you don't need my help." She scoffed, "You're just like your sister."

I looked over at Courtne as she began to laugh.

"It's about time you set her ass straight," she said.

"C, you know you fucked up too, right?" I slightly tilted my head to the side.

She looked at me confused.

"What I do?' she asked playing dumb.

"Calling her out about her job. Why you got so much beef with her?" I asked.

"'Cause that bitch needs to be knocked off her high ass horse. She always thinks she's better than everybody," she vented.

"Better than everybody or better than you?"

She rolled her eyes, "Don't tell me this hoe got you switchin' up on me."

"Explain to me why you think she thinks she's 'better than everybody'."

"I don't need to explain shit to you. You really buggin' right now. Come on Darius," she said grabbing his hand heading towards the door. "Call me when you get out of your feelings," she finished.

I didn't respond to her, I just let her leave. I now understand why Mama and Courtne didn't get along but the shit with Courtne and Melanie didn't sit right with me.


"Let me make this up to you. This is my fault. I'll take you out again, just me and you."

I didn't respond to him as he looked at me with pleading eyes.

Not only was his sister a bitch but his mother was too. If anything went further with me and him, I wouldn't have been able to deal with them. It was best that I removed myself from the situation before it got too out of hand.

"When you and I get around each other, something always happens," I finally spoke.

Quincy sighed. "I know. Let me take you out one more time and if something happens, you don't have to talk to me again."

Without saying anything else to him, I began walking away. I turned to look back at him to see his head down and walking back into his condo.

I didn't blame him for what happened at dinner but the situation made it clearer that he and I weren't good for each other.

As I was walking,  Amaya texted, "How is it going?"

I replied with a sad face emoji.

As soon as I sent the message, she was requesting to facetime. When I got to a traffic light, I quickly answered before the phone stopped ringing.

"What happened?" she asked as soon as I answered.

"Courtne and Darius happened," I started to explain.

"What did they do?"

I explained everything from when I got to Quincy's house to when his parents showed to when I was walking out of the door.

"I can't believe Darius had the audacity to say something about who you're with when he was sitting there with that girl," she said after I told her everything. "Are you going to go out with him again?" she continued.

"I don't know," I said honestly.

"I think you should. It seemed like he likes you but stuff just gets in the way," she defended.

"Exactly, shit gets in the way all the time when I'm with him."

"It's obvious that he's feeling you so let him get to know you. It will get better."

"I hope so. Should I text him and tell him I'll go out with him or should I wait for him?"

"Wait for him to bring it up."


The next night, before I went to work, Darius called me. I figured it was to talk about me and Quincy but I didn't want to hear anything he had to say so I sent him to voicemail.

When I got to the strip club, he was waiting for me at the employee entrance.

I rolled my eyes in frustration. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Don't have that nigga around my son," he started.

I gave a straight face. "You came here just to tell me that mess? Well, don't have that bitch around my son."

"Nah, that's not all I had to say. I wanted to let you know that it's fucked up how you just got with that dude right after you called yourself quittin' me.

"Well I think it's fucked up how you, one, put your fucking hands on me, two, you got with Courtne right after I let your ass go, and three, you were probably seeing her when we were still together," I started to get heated.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I wasn't." I knew he was lying.

"Darius I know you. We're not together anymore and we won't get back together so you don't ave to lie. Anyway, can you move? I have to go to work," I said walking inside the building.

After talking to Darius, I did not have the energy to argue with Courtne.

"Mel, someone is waiting for you in a private room," one of the girls told me.

I smiled to myself because I already knew who it was.

"Alright. Thanks," I said taking off my cover up.

I walked to the room where Quincy was waiting to see him on his phone.

"Hey, friend," I greeted.

He laughed a little. "Friend?"

I smiled at him. "Yeah. That's what you want, right? Us to be friends?"

He quickly shrugged. "For now. I came to ask you if you reconsidered me taking you out... friend," he winked at me.

"I never told you no."

"You never said yes either."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Okay, I'll go out with you. When?"

"How about I take you to lunch tomorrow at 12?" he proposed.

"I have class from 11 to 1."

"Class?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I'm in college.

He smiled. "Okay. I'll pick you up from your class then."

"Pick me up from the Arts and Science building at NYU."


Short.. I know

Is Amaya giving good advice?

Darius and Courtne aggy af. I know.

Y'all ready for me and Mel to take y'all on this date?

Did you guys enjoy this chapter?

Let me know something.

Quincy's mom and dad are in the MM.




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