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After everything that happened with Darius, I still had to go to class the next day. I didn't want to go but I knew I had to. On the way to class, I got a call from Quincy.

"Hello," I answered the phone.

"Hey, Melanie. Do you want to come to my house for dinner tonight? You know, because the last time we went out..." he trailed off.

"Yeah, that didn't end so well," I slightly chuckled. "I don't know if I should. I don't know you that well and me coming to your house would make me a little uncomfortable." I was just being honest.

"Well, it's not going to be just you and me. My sister and her boyfriend will be there," he explained.

I sighed. "I'll call you back later. I'm about to be late to my class."

"Okay." Then he hung up.

I walked into the building where my class was being held and texted Amaya.

Me - Soooo 👀 Quincy just asked me to come to his for dinner... - 9:57AM

BaeAF😘 - Ur going right?? - 9:57AM

Me - IDK... It seems like every time that I have been around him something bad had happened. - 9:58AM

BaeAF😘 - One bad thing happened and he protected u right 🤔 - 10:00

Me - 🤔 - 10:00

BaeAF😘 - 😎 - 10:00

Me - Okay... Yesterday after he left my house, Darius showed up. Coincidence??? - 10:03

BaeAF😘 - Yes it actually is a coincidence..... - 10:05

Me - 🙄Whatever. I'll go but if I don't like something, I'm leaving with the quickness. - 10:06

After sending that message, I walked into the classroom and sat down. This night will be eventful.



Melanie had texted me to tell me that she would be able to make it to dinner tonight. I was worried she would tell me no because the first time we went out, things didn't go smoothly. I didn't want her to think that when I'm around her she can't have a good time. Now that I got her to come to the dinner, I was trying to get my mother to stay away from the dinner. She and Courtne didn't need to see each other anymore for a while after their last run-in with one another.

"Mom, please don't show up to my house tonight," I said to her on the phone.

"Why not? I think I should meet the girl my son is talking to. And even though your sister and I don't have the best relationship, I should know who she's dating too."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Ma." I kept trying to get her so stay home.

"Fine! I won't go. I'll just stay home and eat dinner with your father like I always do," she sighed.

"Alright mom, Love you. Bye." I rushed her off the phone.


It was almost 7 and Melanie had already gotten to my house for dinner. The table was set and the food was almost done. All that was needed was Courtne and her dude.

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