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"You sayin' this because of that dude?" Darius asked.

I rolled my eyes. "He's not the problem, you are. I don't understand why you can't see that.

"Before last night, I never did wrong by you. Now you met this nigga and you tryna wipe ya hands with me."

"First off, you always talk to me like I'm just some bitch on the streets and you don't treat me like I'm your girlfriend let alone the mother of your child. Be real. This has nothing to do with Quincy. But this has everything to do with the fact that you're an asshole. You have talked to me like shit and you have treated me like shit and putting your hands on me was the last straw." I vented.

He sighed. "You know what, fuck you, bitch. Let me find out you got that nigga around my son and both of y'all might get fucked up." He said walking out the door.

I rolled my eyes and followed him to the door. "But you do right by me? You do right by calling me a bitch and threatening me?"

Without saying anything else, he gave me the finger and walked off.

I closed the door and went back to my room to check on Marquise and Amaya.

"So he left?" Amaya asked as I walked into my room.

I shook my head.

"But ma, he didn't say nothin' to me." Marquise  pouted.

"I Know 'Quise, but he'll come back to see you." I didn't really know for sure, but I wanted him to feel better.

"Promise?" He asked putting his pink out.

"I promise." I gave him my pinky and a small smile. Then he ran out of my room.

"You think he's coming back?" Amaya asked.

I sighed. "I honestly don't know."


After leaving my house, I went to go see my old friend, Courtne. We used to mess with each other but I broke it off because of Melanie. I really felt bad about being in another relationship so I had to end it.

"What do you want, Darius?" Courtne asked opening the door to her house.

"I told you I was coming over. I want to make things right with us."

"So your baby momma kicked you out?" She asked crossing her arms.

"That's not why I'm here. I just broke up with her because I want you."

"I don't need you putting bullshit into my head. I'm not about to be your second choice because she cut you off." She shook her head.

"I'm telling you she didn't cut me off. I'm tryna be real with you." I tried to convince her.

"If you're really 'being real with me' then you need to be honest because I know you didnt't just break up with her."

"Okay. She really did cut me off but it made me realize that I want you."

She rolled her eyes.

"What do I need to do to make you believe me?" I continued.

"Actions speak louder than words, Darius. You're just talking. You haven't done anything to prove to me that you really want to be with me."

"Fine. Then let me show you..."


It's been a few days since the dinner with my family and I felt like I should talk to my sister, Courtne. I wanted to give her time to calm down after she took off from our parents' house.

"Hey Q," Courtne said when she picked up the phone.

"Hey C. I'm sorry about-"

"You don't have to apologize. Mom was being a bitch as usual and we can't really change that. I shouldn't have even come to the dinner in the first place. But it doesn't really matter. It's over now."

"I know. I just hate that mom has to act that way sometimes. She's not always that bad," I said defending my mother.

She snickred. "No, she is that bad. She just hasn't been that way to you so it looks like I'm just a disrespectful bitch when she and I go back and forth."

"I could just talk to her about it and y'all could fix whatever y'all got going on." I didn't want them to argue foreve because then I'll feel like I have to pick her side or my mom's side.

"She can continue to be a bitch and I will do what I want to do. I'm grown, she can't control my life and you shouldn't let her control yours." She was right.

"So what's up with you?" I asked trying to make more conversation.

"Nothing, really. Someone came by that was kind of unexpected," she explained.


"Yeah. He called and told me he was coming by but I didn't believe him when he said it."


"The guy I told you about that had the baby and the girlfriend."

"Oh, the fuck nigga?"

She laughed. "Yes, him."

"What did he want?" I asked.

"He said he wanted us to be together again. I want to believe him but he just really fucked me up the last time I was dealing with him."

"I want to meet him," I said.

"What?" she asked.

"I want to meet him," I repeated. "Both y'all can come by and we can eat and you can meet the girl I'm trying to talk to."

She sighed. "Okay. When?"

"Tomorrow night at 7."


Do you think Darius should have a POV?

How do you feel about Courtne knowing that she's Quincy's sister?

Is the dinner going to be cool?

What about Melanie, Quincy, and Darius?

#TeamQ or #TeamD




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