His Mate....Six

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Dean did his rounds around the towns, checking on the humans and werewolves alright. His mind kept going back to the almost kiss they had in the kitchen, eighteen days ago. His wolf ears twisted back and forth as he listened for any disturbances. Nothing here…. He ran up the street and shifted back to two legs before he went into a preschool. As soon as the teacher opened the door, a swarm of giggling kids attacked him.

Meanwhile, Adriannah was alone in the house and she had just finished cooking an early lunch. Dean’s mother, cousin and pack all went to do errands. She searched around the three living room, twelve bedrooms, and the huge library for in formation on Dean. She went back downstairs and passed a door that she had never seen before. Without hesitation she opened the door and stepped in. Her hand blindly searched for the light switch, when the lights were on. Surrounding her was flat screen TVs on every inch of the walls that revealed pictures of Dean holding and smiling warmly at a baby and others of an adorable blond boy.

Removing her gaze from the pictures that projected above her, her eyes fell on a huge desk. Hurrying to it she found a child’s drawing of two figures, under was a messy scribble writing of Daddy and Me. She looked up at the pictures above her, he has a son and it has been a week and she hasn’t seen the child, not once. From the looks of the recant pictures he might be three or four.  She felt a little hurt, but why? Before she could think about what the hell she was looking for, she heard the front door slam and Bridge’s voice.

Adriannah quickly turned off the lights, closed the door behind her and ran into one of the living rooms. When Bridge came in, she smiled. “Hey, wolf boy.”

“Good afternoon, Adriannah.” He smiled back. “Is Dean home?” He asked walking to the kitchen and coming back with a glass of water.

“No.” Adriannah pulled her legs up in the chair; she was so tempted to ask Bridge about Dean having a son. It wasn’t her business to pry, but she felt heartbroken for some strange reason.

“You okay?” Bridge’s face was covered with concern. “You seem upset about something.”

Adriannah bite her lip and took a deep breath. “Was Dean married before?” The words rushed out her mouth. “Does he really have a child?”

Bridge stared into his glass, “I can’t tell you that, I am not allowed too. My curiosity tells me that you were in Dean’s study if you are now asking me these questions.” She nodded. “You will have to ask Dean that, speak of the devil he is coming to the door now.”

She listened as the front door slam and the sound of running feet came closer and closer into the room.

“Uncle!”  A small blond boy came in running in; his hair was up to his shoulders and bounced as he ran to attacked Bridge in a huge hug. “Uncle, good afternoon.” His little voice brought a smile to Adriannah’s face.

“And to you too.” Bridge laughed. “How was school?”

“Fun! I learned how to count to seventy-six and tie my shoes.” He showed him, his sneakers. “Daddy said he is gonna buy me a big boy bike.”

“What color?” Bridge kissed his forehead.

“I want a blue one.” His little hands went in the air. “Blue is my favorite color.”

Adriannah could help but smile as she wondered if Andrew’s son will be the same way, cute, small and full of energy.          

“Eli?” Dean’s voice echoed through the house until he entered the room. “Oh, there you are.”

“DADDY!” Eli ran to Dean, who picked him up in his arms and cradled him against his chest.

Jealous ran through Adriannah. Why can’t he hold me like that?

The Hybrid Series: His Mate.... {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now