His Mate....Seventeen

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Adriannah drove Helen’s car, like she was in a car race. Not caring for anything, except reaching Jayne. Within ten minutes, she got to Andrew’s house and the place was crawling with police and Protectors. As soon as she stopped the car she ran out and ducked under the yellow caution tape.

“Heiress James what are you doing here?” Adriannah’s old academy sergeant asked.

“I got a distress call from Jayne and then the line went dead.” She purposely left the part out about Sway, since no one would believe her.

“I don’t think you should go in there.” He warned her.

Brushing off his warning, she entered the house, as soon as she entered the smell of fresh blood and death suffocated her. The walls and furniture showed signs of a deadly struggle and blood. Complete panic attacked her as she saw some investigators near the newly built baby room. Walking over to the door, the bloody scene on the ground caused her not to breathe. 

Lying there was Jayne’s bloody body, her head, hands and feet were cut off, while a huge incision started from her neck and down to her stomach. The stench of decay came off her corpse. Not far from the body of her cousin’s wife was a smaller covered one.

Trying to push back the shock, she crossed the room and knelt next to it. Lord please let it not be the baby… She prayed, but that prayer wasn’t fulfilled when she say the decapitated premature infant under the covering.

“Adriannah come on.” The voice of Andrew’s best friend and partner, Cole, dragged her eyes away from the dead bodies.

“Where is Andrew?” She fought back tears. “Where is he?” She demanded.

“He shared the same faith as his wife and unborn child.” Cole said sadly as he picked Adriannah up and took her out the room. “His body was found in his office. I am so sorry.”

When he got her out the house, he asked her if she would be alright. With a nodded she took a very deep breath and walked to the car. At top speed she drove back to Dean’s mansion, but when she finally got there and walked to the front door, that’s when Adriannah broke down. She felt like her whole world was shattered. She lost everything and all because of Sway.

Trying to pull herself together, she entered the house and went straight to her room. Not once did she come back out.

That same night Dean stayed in his study to find files on Sway and his uncle Fredrick. So far he got nothing, since hacking into vamp files seem to keep a pretty secure firewall up. Slouching in his chair, he started at his computer screen, he felt very worried and anxious when it came to Adriannah. She was locked in her room for the whole day.

Exhaling deeply, he got up and was about to open the study doors, when Adriannah came in.

“Oh, I am sorry, I didn’t know you where in here.” Her eyes were puffy from crying and her hair was messy.

“I was leaving.” He stepped away from the door so she could come in. “I am really sorry about your cousin and his family.” He watched her nod and walk to his desk to get her laptop.Looking at her closely he saw blood soaking her shirt sleeve. “Did someone attack you?” She shook her head.

“I took my tracker out.” Her voice was cracked. “If Sway’s messengers hadn’t known I was at Evolution, they would have still been alive.” She wiped away a stray tear from her cheek. “If you will excuse me, I have a funeral to plan and I will be leaving the mansion for Eli’s safety.”

She was about to leave when Dean blocked her way. “Where are you going?”

“My apartment.” She pushed him aside but he blocked her way again.

“Adriannah I didn’t mean what I said this morning about you being my property.”

“You seem not a lot of things…” She sighed. “Look I really don’t have time for this.”

“At least let me go with you.” He tried to hide the begging plea in his voice. “I can have Toby and the other pack members watch over everyone.”

Dean in her apartment….around a giant loft full of weapons that were hidden everywhere and anywhere…. With a sigh she shrugged, “Fine. But I drive.”


 Dean swore to never put Adriannah behind the wheel of a sports car; then again that’s how vampires drive. When they got to her apartment, Dean gave her a puzzled look.

“That is not what you call an apartment.” He pointed to the three story, Victorian building.

“Really? So what would you call it?” She climbed out the car and walked up to the door and disabled the security system. Ever since Sway got in her loft, she had to change her system completely. Password and camera surveillance in all.

As soon as she walked in the smell of Andrew lingered in the living room. Taking a deep breath she placed her laptop on the coffee table and turned around to Dean. “Feel free to do what you like.” She about-faced and headed to her room. Thirty minutes later, she emerged to see Dean fast asleep on the couch.

Sighing she went back into her room to get a blanket for him, after that she kissed his forehead and then went to plan Andrew's funeral for tomorrow


Adriannah woke up to the sound of her cell ringing, groaning she turned off the alarm. It was nine fifteen in the morning and about two hours ago she finally got to sleep, due to her nightmares of the crime scene she saw yesterday morning and the last minutes plans for the funeral. Yawning she exited her room to find Dean still sleeping on the couch, yawning again she lazily went over to the kitchen and opened her fridge that had blood in it. Looking at the blood bag labels she found the one that said Bear and quickly drained it but that only made her feel sick. Stale blood wasn’t a good thing, it only made her feel even more tired.

Stifling another yawn, she heard Dean stretch; it was kind of weird to have a werewolf in her loft. Entering the living room she watched him yawn and look up at her.

“Morning.” He smiled, and then frowned. “You look like hell.”

“I was up all bloody night and I need blood, but there is no time since an hour or two from now I have to go to a funeral.” She could feel a headache coming around about now. “How did you sleep?”

“Fine, I guess.” He shrugged, “Can’t you drink human blood?”

Already in a crabby mood, she took a deep breath, “I don’t need the indigestion.” She lied. Human blood was something she would never touch again, given on what she did when she was fourteen. That was a dark and horrible day. “If you are hungry the fridge to your right is the one with food the other is blood….” She trailed off. “I will be in my room, getting ready.”

Half an hour passed, when Dean heard Adriannah emerge from her room, his jaw dropped. In front of him stood a lethal vamp, the black battle suit she wore clung to her body, showing off her perfect body he would love to hold…again. The knife and dagger holsters down and her arm, and legs made her suit like it was lined with silver lining.

Adriannah felt Dean’s eyes on her as she removed the picture of a Romanian castle from her wall and pressed her hand against the scanner, which glowed from blue to green and then opened six compartments in the wall that revealed numerous weapons. Taking out a few daggers, she tucked them into the hidden pockets in her calf-high boots, after that she grabbed a gun and an extra magazine before she closed the wall compartments.

“Shit, woman are you getting ready for war?” Dean watched her pull her hair into a tight bun.

“Protectors uniform protocol.” She sighed.

Dean nodded, “Ummm…Can we talk after you come back to the funeral, if you are up to it?”

“Uhhh, sure.” She pulled her black leather gloves on and got her car keys. “Stay here till I get back.” 

The Hybrid Series: His Mate.... {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now