His Mate....Fourteen

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Tears formed in his eyes as he stared at the daughter that resembled his wife. Walking up to her,Adriannah smiled.

“Never in my life would I see this day.” He reached up to touch her but hesitated.

“Neither would me….Dad.” She touched his hand, and then pulled him into a hug. “It must have been hard all these years.” She released him.

“It has, but let’s not stand out here. Come let’s go inside.” Mr. Bradley turned and walked towards the front door, with Adriannah and Dean following. When they entered the Victorian house, the sound of loud rock music echoed everywhere.

“Kevin can you tell your son to turn that blasted thing down!”  A werewolf woman maybe only in her late thirties came out the kitchen. Her blonde hair fell to her shoulders and while her bright brown eyes stared angrily at Kevin. “Oh my Dean I haven’t seen you in a while.”  She hurried over with a warm smile on her face and hugged him. “How’s the family?”

“Very well, but-”

“Sasha meet your daughter.” Kevin said cutting off Dean as he held Adriannah’s hand and pulled her forward.

“Hey…mom.” She smiled.

“Kevin…” She looked at her husband. “This is the heiress of Vamp London, not my daughter.” She frowned.

“Sasha, she is.” He handed his wife the files, Dean had given him. “Abraham and the Protectors lied about her death, look at her and tell me that she doesn’t look like a younger version of you?”

Sasha looked up from the files and eyes Adriannah, “Show me your wolf.”

As ordered Adriannah did what she was told and shifted.

“See, she even has your wolf image.” Kevin tried to plea his case.

“What about the birthmark like Raoul’s?” She stared at Adriannah.

“Mrs. Bradley, I don’t have it.” Adriannah glanced at Dean then back at her real mother. “I have been claimed.” She showed the bite mark on her neck. “The birthmark disappeared after.” 

Dean looked at Kevin, who had a stern and protective look in his eyes, but a bright smile on his face. Oh damn.

"MOM! I feel like I can prove anything to you and I don't know why!" A deep voice yelled from the stairs. 

All heads turned to Adriannah. "Is that how are you feeling now?" Sasha asked.

Adriannah nodded, "I do." 

"Is that enough evidence for you?" Kevin walked up to his daughter. "Only twins have that connection, when they are close." He hugged her to his side and called for Raoul. 

"Yes, dad did I forget to push my chair in at your office desk?" He sighed. 

"He sounds like someone I know." Adriannah said under her breath. Honestly he sound just like her. 

"Did you say something, gorgeous?" He strolled over to his unknown sister's side, but Kevin pinched his son and both Adriannah and Raoul hissed ouch. "Why did you say ouch?" He glared at his father.

"Because I felt that idiot." She snapped.

"With that mouth, I don't think I want to take you out to dinner." He scuffed.

Dean stayed in the back trying so hard not to laugh, "Chap that is your sister, Adriannah." 

Raoul's jaw dropped open, little Adriannah, his sister was alive and standing right in front of him. "I can't believe I was hitting on his own sister." He pulled her into a huge hug and looked at her, 'You have been claimed. That's not fair, I am the eldest twin and you loose it first!"

"I don't think I need more proof that you are my child, I have seen enough." Sasha walked up theAdriannah, who jumped into her mother's arms for a hug. 

Dean smiled to himself as he saw the happiness in Adriannah's face returned. A small smile came to his lips as he turned to walk away, but Raoul stopped him.

"Man, I haven't seen your wolf ass here in a while and thanks." He gave Dean a quick man hug. "I won't have expected to see my sister again." 

"No problem, she was more determined to find you guys and I am happy that she is happy." Dean looked over at Adriannah who clung to her father like a five year old.

"Don't tell me, she claimed you." Raoul pointed at Dean's neck. "Dude how old are you?" 

"Older than you." He laughed. "I was claimed by her, but things got bad and she rejected me."

"Ah, that bites." He winced. "That's why I don't do relationship." 

Dean scuffed, "When was the last time your ass got laid?" 

"Under my room that boy will wait till marriage." Sasha said as she dragged her daughter and husband to the kitchen, in that same moment Raoul's face was bright red. Boys, come and get something to eat."


"Fredrick's tried to have me killed for the rebellion that Finland and part of Sweden had started." Kevin leaned against the sink. “It was the bloodiest war ever. The vamps and werewolves wanted peace, but on the vamp side Fredrick’s wanted every werewolf dead. Since I was the leader and ambassador of both Finland and Sweden, I tried to reason with him, but that was a mistake.”

“Dad was also a Death Eater.” Raoul chimed in.

“Death Eater?” Adriannah looked at Kevin.

“The true name of the Vampire Protectors. Death Eaters were the law of the vamp world, not bodyguards. However that soon changed when I began the rebellion.”

“How did you and mom meet?” Adriannah asked curiously. Behind her she heard Dean and Raoul groan. “If you two have a problem, you can leave.” She turned around and snapped at the two.

Kevin laughed as both left the room in a hurry, “She has your mouth, Sasha.”

“But your predatorily aura.” Sasha shook her head. “Back then when the war was still going I was the rich rebellion leader of Lahti, Finland. My parents knew nothing about my strange leadership, until I changed how I dressed and dyed my hair. Oh your grandparents almost had a stroke in their young age. After a while they accepted my ways and help out in secret, while they acted like they were against the rebellion. A couple of months passed and my party was arrested, do to a traitor in our pack.

“We were tortured, some died, others held on to their lives. For me I was held in cell under the prison, since I was the leader and often question. But being me, I don’t answer to anyone. Weeks passed, until one day there was a security breech and prisoners on all levels were escaping and the officials couldn’t contain everyone. When m cell was opened, your father just stood there staring at me.”

“Because it was a werewolf prison and only vampires were suppose to be underground.”  Kevin sighed.

“Or was it my beauty that stopped you in your tracks.” Sasha batted her eyes and played with the ends of her hair.

Adriannah giggled.

“Hardly.” He rolled his eyes.

“When you guys claimed each other, did your relationship go from happy to stressful?” Adriannah touched her neck.

“From vamps it’s claiming, werewolves imprint.” Sasha said. “Yes it gets blissful and happy. But as soon as you become each other’s mate you have a connection like twins, you feel what they feel. For instance when your father threatened to leave me because I almost killed his second commander, I said I would leave him and our bond got stronger and my pain to have him back became his as well. Over a few months his stubborn pride was my advantage.”

“Why?” Adriannah wanted to hear more.

“I made him jealous, until he couldn’t take it.” Sasha laughed as her husband’s face grew red. “Lets just hope you don’t have the same problem.”

“If you only knew mother.” She shook her head.

The Hybrid Series: His Mate.... {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now