His Mate.... Twenty-four

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Both Dean and Adriannah held hands as they met other leaders in the werewolf and vampire committees in the world.  Some of them gave them weird and questioning looks, while others smiled as if they knew what they were doing. The night air was cool and the tension was not so think among the two sides that mingled about.

“I hope you know how to speak Romanian.” Dean whispered to Adriannah. “Because I don’t understand what they say.”

Adriannah kissed his cheek. “Not to worry, I know what they are saying.”

“Attention, everyone.” One of the vamp Elders voice rose over all the chatter and noise of the hall.

“Adriannah, come on.” Cole popped over out of nowhere and pulled her to the stairs where the other Elders stood.

“Today you were all brought here by our request and change to the Treaty we have followed years ago. Today a young heiress, who is neither vampire nor werewolf as put her views into it.” The beckoned Adriannah to the front.  “I think using the native Romanian language would help, since English isn’t their best thing.” They whispered to her as she stood in front.

She looked around at first before talking a deep breath, "Salutări, colegi fraţii şi surorile, fie vârcolac sau de vampir. Cele mai multe dintre voi ma stiu de a fimoştenitoarea de la Londra, Anglia Stii toate regulile şi termenii tratatului.. Astăzi, te rog să mă auzi pe ocerere că Bătrânii de pe ambele părţi au convenit asupra cu alternanţe de tratat. eu nu sunt un vampir, nici un vârcolac, ci un hibrid şi am vedea dacă cele două specii se pot urî unii pe alţii cu nici un motiv, ele potiubi, de asemenea. cu toate acestea, punctul meu este că eu sunt schimbarea tratatului, prin căsătoria meavarcolac din Ţara Galilor. i se vor alătura părţi la unul. nu doar în Anglia, dar, de asemenea, în Finlanda,Scoţia, Rusia şi Franţa.

Cei care doresc să fie de acord cu mine şi se va opri această luptă lipsită de sens vă rugăm să vă ridica de sticlă, cu mine şi rugaţi-vă că trăim în pace. "

("Greetings, fellow brothers and sisters, either werewolf or vampire. Most of you know me of being the heiress of London, England. You all know the rules and terms of the treaty. Today, I ask you to hear me out on a request that the Elders on both side have agreed on with the alternations of the treaty. I am not a vampire, nor a werewolf but a hybrid and I see if the two species can hate each other with no reason, they can also love. However, my point is that I am changing the treaty through my marriage to the werewolf of Wales. I will be joining the sides to one. Not only in England but also in Finland, Scotland, Russia and France.

Those who wish to agree with me and stop this meaningless fight please raise you glass with me and pray that we live in peace.")

Almost all of the glasses in the room were up in the air, except for her imposter parents, Sway Jensen and Abraham Fredrick. With a smile, Adriannah said the last thing that would set her plan in to motion. "Fie ca pacea a naţiunilor noastre unite, să fie un exemplu pentru cei care au ura în inimile lor.” ("May the peace of our joined nations, be an example for those who have hatred in their hearts.")


Adriannah and Dean sat on one of the benches outside in the moonlight, enveloped in each other’s arms they looked at the moon. This was their escape from the bombardment of all the people inside. Tomorrow will be the signing of the Treaty

“A hybrid, she is about the same age as Cleo.” A deep Greek accent voice caught their attention.

“Yes but Cleo wasn’t as proud to be what she was as she is, brother.” An even deeper voice.

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