His Mate.... Twenty-five

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As promised, Marilyn and Lilith found the joy of helping Adriannah plan her wedding, while Romulus and Remus took Dean hunting in the Dinaric calcareous Silver Fir forest and find matching platinum rings, since silver was so deadly. By the ninth day, everything was like a fairy-tale.

"Have you gotten a best man?" Adriannah asked Dean as they both walked down the quiet street. The night was cool and calm. "Bridge, then as groom's men, Raoul, Cole, Remus and Romulus." Dean held Adriannah's hand.

"I don't have a maiden of honor, but I think Lilith and Marilyn would make good brides maids. And maybe one of the girls from my Protectors." She squeezed his hand. "But I wish Andrew and Jayne was here to see this, before I knew my real parents I always told Andrew that he would give me away to the man I would marry." She swallowed the lump in her throat. "However, I just have to keep telling myself that they are in the shadows watching over me."

Dean lifted her hand to his lips. "At least you are positive about it." He kissed her hand. "I wonder what would happen if I die."

 Adriannah stopped walking and made Dean face her. "Don't you dare talk like that. I would go mad, insane, and rogue."  She held his face in her hands.

"I doubt you will go rogue, my love." He took her hands from his face. "And since I do know someday or time someone will kill me, you as my wife, will have everything I possess." He kissed her.

"That means I will go insane." She laughed.

"No, that means that I want you to move on, instead of pondering on the memories we shared. Well, keep a few, but move on and find happiness."

"Could we not talk about this?" Adriannah sighed. "We have a wedding tomorrow."

"Already having regrets?" Dean laughed.

Adriannah pushed him. "Shut it before I do." Dean laughed and took her in his arms.


The next morning, Sasha jumped on her daughter's bed, full of happiness. "Wake up, Adriannah. Today is your wedding."

Opening her eyes, she groaned at the bright Romanian sunlight coming from the hotel room. "Mother, five more minutes." She pulled the covers over her head.

"Adriannah Alix Bradley, get your lazy behind up." Her mother shook her, until Adriannah was sitting up.


"We will add extension in your hair." Lilith brushed Adriannah's pixie hair. "Then we will do your make-up."

Adriannah could help but notice Lilith's sad face as she looked at their reflections in the mirror. "You miss Cleo don't you?"

"Yes, I do. In addition, your mother, Sasha is very lucky, as I was lucky with Cleo.  I do not blame Cleo for committing suicide, I blame myself. Romulus was fine with her being what she was, then me, her own mother. I could bear to see her half the time even thought I loved her."

"Oh." Was all Adriannah could say.

From ten in the morning to five in the afternoon, Adriannah was a perfect bride. Her hair was its normal like it once was when she had her long hair; pearls were woven in tiny braids, then hang down on either side of her face. In addition, her dress was the same exact design Jayne wore to her's.

Meanwhile, Dean was having issues with his bow tie, when a knock saved him from ripping the bow tie in half.

"Come in." He said.

"Adriannah is ready." Sasha said at the door. "You need help." Sasha walked up to him and fixed his bow. "Oh there is one thing you are going to have to do since it's a shared ritual."

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