Chapter Twelve

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Everyone settled in their seats as the choo-choo of the train blurted out in front. Families were quiet and still while everything went back into motion. Even Mickie was completely silent as we waited for the okay to start moving around the train again.

The people before us left as quickly as they could. It was probably to go eat or socialize. I had only recently noticed that everyone on the train was fairly familiar with themselves at this point. People were mingling like Mickie and I had, minus the intense love story part.

When we were alone, I turned to my accomplice and smiled. I had no idea what my smile looked like yet, but I didn't care. I let myself beam uncontrollably whenever the opportunity came up.

I used my backpack as a rest and squished myself against the corner of the seat. A soft snicker ruined the placidity of the situation. "I'm just crazy, I think," She admitted. Her elbow rested on the window frame and her cheek did the same to the palm of her hand. At first, I thought I should just ignore her since it seemed like she was talking to herself, but I decided not to leave her hanging there.

"You're not crazy, but it is sort of awkward how you got so emotional over a kiss and then refused to tell me why." I didn't mean to sound rude, but my usual cocky attitude and carefree tone made me come off as a prick.

Furiously, she roared to herself. "It's not my fault that the last relationship I was in, which lasted like three years, ended in screaming and physical abuse!"

Right then was when I decided to back down from the oncoming storm. Even the light drizzle on the window was frightened by what was whipping up inside our compartment. Still, the storm would soon come on stronger than ever before and bring along a blustery chill.

A quick fun fact about me: I don't really like storms. I used to be afraid of them as a child, and I'd always go to Kimber's house afterwards to cry into her shoulder as Mickie almost did to me.

There was nothing harsher than the silence between Mickie and me, but at least it was some peace and quiet to think things over. I even attempted to sleep, but when does that ever work the way I want it to? The answer is never. Even if I did fall asleep, I'd probably just wake up in the desert or on top of a mountain. Whatever else could be thrown at me would be just as horrible as it was never hoped to be. Even with the not-so-auspicious realities I was living with, I was still tired. A nice, good nap was what needed.

Still, eventually Mickie decided to apologize. "My first kiss was in sixth grade. I didn't want it, but it happened. The last kiss I had, before yours, was also unwanted, but I never have a say in things like that."

I had no idea what she wanted from me. Pity was not something I had an infinite amount of. Even though it sounded horrible, there was nothing I felt more than content when she spoke of things so sad. She reminded me all too much of Kimber as well, which was a bit frightening if you really think about it.

"I'm sorry, but I just wanted a kiss. If you didn't want it—"

She shook her head dramatically, letting her hair bounce back and forth to frame her face like it was a painting. "No! That's not what I'm so scared of! I'm just saying."

I chuckled and raised my hands dismissively. I didn't want to start a fight. Personally, I'm not much of a 'fight' person. Even though I'm well known in high school for that fight, I'd prefer not to involve myself in those actions. "I know, but so am I. I'm just doing what I thought was cool. I like you, Mickie, but if you weren't ready for that then that's fine. Try and verbalize that, okay?"

Her blue eye rolled in annoyance. I did the same, mocking her playfully before trying to fall asleep once more.
When my eyes opened up after an unsuccessful attempt at slumber, I noticed that Mickie was absent from her usual spot on the seat. Instead, an old lady sat where my recent crush sat.

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