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We had finally left Florida, and flew to Scotland for the first ever joint concert.

Let me tell you, from experience, Louis really needs to wear socks - Especially on planes and small places.

I held my nose high in the air as we trudged through the airport, squeezing it with my thumb and index finger.

"You know, I'm taller than you, meaning you'll probably still smell it even after you raise your prissy nose into the air." Louis sassed.

I shot him a look of warning, which he held his hands up to.

"I realize that, Tomlinson. But it isn't your nasty feet that make me do this - though, it's one of the reasons - but airports wreak." I whined, stomping my foot onto the tiled ground. I used my other arm to lug my giant suitcase behind me, while Preston carried my carry-on, but I still groaned at the weight.

"Let me take that," Harry finally said. I smiled and handed him the suitcase.

Ella and Rocky cooed, but only until I slapped their arms repeatedly. They continued to giggle, to which I groaned and went to stand beside Summer.

We walked, pretty much, in silence. Paul would tell the boys to lower their heads at cameras, then Preston would yell when we made faces to our fans outside, but other than that, it was a normal silence.

When we slid into the rented van, each of us--all ten--pulled out our phones and went on to various sites, even texting. What a shock, using a phone like a phone.

"We're taking you to where the buses are located, and dropping you off. You'll get changed, then we go to a recording booth for the girls. After, it's rehearsal time to prepare for tomorrows concert." Preston rambled on, the five girls silently nodding after each sentence.

Liam's hand shot up, he then lowered it and began speaking, "Will we stay in our buses? Or a hotel?"

"Buses, for now." Paul stated simply.

I threw my hands into the air, "YES!!"

"WIFI! YEAH BUDDY!!" Kennedy whooped, obviously feeling her Pinterest obsession.

Rocky laughed slightly, nudging Liam's shoulder and whispering something into his ear. Liam chuckled slightly and gave a quiet, "Yeah."

I shook my head slightly, "You'd think you lads knew us forever by the way you sit with those girls."

They then looked at their positions and how Liam was next to Rocky, Zayn was next to Kennedy, and Niall was next to Summer. Louis and Harry were squished between Liam and Kennedy, and Ella and I sat between Preston and Paul with our inner legs intertwined.

Everyone gave each other awkward looks and scooted away, except for Louis and Harry, Ella and I.


When everyone parted to certain buses - which wasn't hard since the One Direction bus was all black and the Eclectic5 bus was pink and had our faces plastered to the side - we began changing. Well, everyone except for Summer and I. We had a large green screen set up in the back and had set to work.

Summer set the camera up as she pinned her hair into place, clutching bobby pins in her mouth. I laughed at her, plucking one out of her teeth and sliding it into my hair. "Want me to go first, love?"

"Yeh, sure. Make sure yeh always a' t'ree," she mumbled, sliding the last pin in.

I nodded. "Got it."

I stood in front of the screen, facing sideways as Summer turned the music on. I smiled and began my favorite part of the song - Mine.

"Mama always said 'Get a rich boyfriend! You don't gotta love him, girl you can pretend!' You bet I totes believed her! Yeah, every word she said! Thought he was gluten free, but all that I got was bread! Mama always said 'Nice guys finish last! Beat him at his own game, honey, take the cash!'" I sang - pretty much - perfectly, getting the girls dancing behind Summer. I laughed and walked away from the screen.

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