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I am in a heavy black cloud. Nothing to see. Nothing to hear. Just this heaviness in my whole body. So heavy that I cannot move. I can't remember how to open my eyes. Then I start to hear noises. The buzz of machines. Clicking of feet near me. Quiet talking. I lie still, straining to hear and make sense of it all. No idea.

Where am I?

Next I feel some light shining on my closed eyes - a pink glow. I struggle to open them. Success. I am in a bright white place. Someone is talking. He quietly spiels to himself, angry and bitter mumbled words. And again. I try to remember how to talk. No words come, but I blink hard. Someone else is talking. Again I try to butt in.

Suddenly I clear my throat. I think I am about to shout. But all that comes out is a tiny whisper, "What happened?"

"Paris," a tall brunette smiled sincerely, yet worry laced through her words.

I studied her for a minute; no scrubs against her thin body, which I would expect - unless I'm not at a hospital? That's what it seemed like. IV's punctured my cold, pale hands; slithering up and into the insides of my elbows. I watched them intently, how liquid was being forced through those thin tubes and into my veins. Scrapes littered my arms, bandages covering the gist of some of them. But brown stained my colorless skin, uncleaned and crusty. And my nails, broken yet painted. Painted black.

Mum wouldn't let me wear black. Why am I wearing black?

"Where's my mum?" I questioned, "I don't know what's going on."

The girl looked taken aback, "What? You're mum is in Cheshire, Paris." she turned around to face the tall, lanky lad behind her, "Liam, go get a doctor, please." after he left, the girl neared me, "Paris, I'm confused-"

"So am I. I was just with my mum- Wait, if mum is in Cheshire . . . Where am I?" I played with the varnish on my nails, doing anything to stay away from the university-aged girl.

Liam stepped back in, with a man in a white coat behind him. The old man smiled, "Nice to see you're awake, miss Skye!" he took the stethoscope from around his neck and plugged each side into his ears. I cringed when the cold end was held against the skin above my gown-clad chest. I breathed deeply on command, playing with the bandages on my arms - which seemed longer than they were a few days ago. I blamed it on the meds that must be in my body.

"She . . . she said she was just with her mum? But we haven't seen her mum in months." the girl - still nameless - explained to the busy doctor.

"We?" I questioned, squinting, "I-I don't know you. Months? Where in the world have I been?"

"Scotland? America-"

"I've never been to those pl- Doctor, can you please get them out of here? I'm really scared." I fidgeted with my shoulders, dragging the tubes and cords with my hands. The doctor pushed my hand against the bed, telling me to keep still. I nodded. He told Liam - who was chewing his already stubby nails like crazy - and the girl to leave, and they sadly obliged.

"Paris, I'm going to ask you a few question, okay?" he asked. I nodded, going back to playing with the polish that mum surely must be angry about.  "Who were those people?"

"I have no clue, to be honest. Who are they? Though, the girl has the same smile and eyes as my best friend, so she looks familiar. But that's the only reason why." I replied dryly, not really caring about this, and just wanting mum or step-dad.

He nodded, "Do you have a job?"

"Yeah, of course! I'm an intern at Miss Claires Dance Academy."

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