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                "Depression is like war. You either win or you die trying."


But it wasn't as much tragic as it was bewildering, heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, soul-churning . . . But still: Tragic.

He lied to me. Or, he never told me. He never told me about the fact that he crossed the line only a few days after we met, he never told me that he told me he loved me, while dating a model. I had forgotten how he would ignore me on days end and act like it never happened, and I had never seen the depth to his stutters and neck rubs. His affection was fake, and his words were twisted, and I believed every one of them.

The worst part? Kennedy wasn't making this stuff up. I remembered. Every memory flooded back faster than I could control them, turning me into a fidgeting, crying heap on the floor. Every single memory.

I was so worried about never getting that single year of memory back, but now I realized I should have been content. So many people, occasions, moments, and emotions that I really didn't need.

But Harry.

I could let go of the rest: the girls, the fighting, the way I was treated, and the crash, but I couldn't let go of him.

How dare he.

I squeezed myself into the fetal position even more, my knees against my chin and my right side on the floor. My phone rang and rang until I learned to tune it out. I wasn't going to answer it. I saw no point.

A/N: Paris be takin' me on an emotional roller coaster sometimes I have to remember that I don't have depression or eating disorders . . . Anyways! Depression is here, and he has a grip, my friends. This chapter is short and for that I am sorry, but I had no clue how to make it longer. So! Here it is: enjoy.

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