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Situating myself on the tall, red leather topped stool, I handed Miss Drake the wrinkled, coffee stained papers with my song choice on it, "It's dirty, I know," I laughed lightly, "We were busy this morning and stayed up all night trying to find this song."

Miss Drake, with her hair in a bun, her nails a perfect white, lips a dark red, and white dress under her, studied the song and the music with it, now showing any emotion as she did. I sat, tilting my head to the side, clicking my heels against the silver chair bottom, and blowing air through my lips. Silently, I picked up the lemon and mint water Miss Drake made for us, and pressed the mug to my lips, downing the tangy liquid.

She brought her head up slightly, but left her eyes on the paper, "Like the water? It's great for your voice." I nodded, setting the mug on the piano top and spinning in my stool. Miss Drake took her time looking over the papers, then finally looked up and smiled, "So, what made you pick this song? This artist, Kari Jobe, she's a Christian artist if I'm not mistaken. Any influence to that?"

I shrugged, "I am protestant, so yes."

Her smile got bigger, she set the papers on her folded legs, "Really? Want to share your testimony?" she asked as she reached for her white mug.

"Well, my mum and dad were both Agnostic. You know, they didn't know if there was a God or not, and I guess I didn't really care. I just wasn't born into a family with beliefs, except the belief that not knowing was just fine. Well, when a girl I knew that had leukemia, was fading fast, I was broken. Of course, she was too, but when she asked me to pray for her, I didn't even know what that meant." I shrugged, "I had nothing, no one, to turn to for help. I was so lost. Then finally her mum let me sit in when she went to church every week, and I found the thing that I could turn to - God. I explained it all to my parents and brother, and they agreed to come with us. Sooner than later, we were all saved. And the rest is history."

Miss Drake nodded, "Now, how old were you when this happened?"

"It took two years, but around ten or eleven." I nodded.

"Well, I'd like to say I have a story like that, but I don't. My daddy was a pastor and my mom was a missionary. I was raised in a good family, no problems. But I'm thankful for that." another warm smile, "Okay, so you want to start?"

I turned and faced the piano, "Lets hope I remember how to play this."

"Well, when did you learn?"

"Pretty sure I was in the middle of lessons."

Miss Drake placed my hands on the keys and spread my fingers correctly, then set the papers in front of me and motioned to them. With a flourish of my hands, I played the music slowly and waited until I got the hang of it.

"So faithful, so constant,

So loving and so true,

So powerful in all You do

You fill me

You see me

You know my every move

You love for me to sing to You . . ." I stopped, my hands freezing, "Was that-"

"Perfect, here, continue." Miss Drake placed her own hands on the keys and took over the music.

"I know that You are for me

I know that You are for me

I know that You will never

Forsake me in my weakness

I know that You have come down

Even if to write upon my heart

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