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The past few days have been decent. Decent in the way that nothing has gotten better, but, then again, nothing has gotten worse.

Today, I was starting dance lessons. For that, I was excited. But, with it was more responsibility and work. I had to push harder than I normally did, what with being completely physically drained on a daily basis.

On another note, Yung had to cancel. Not only on the music video, but the entire song. And, in a sigh of relief, I was about to do the same. But Zayn and Summer caught me and suggested me trying to contact someone else.

Given the fact that I had no intention of contacting some huge rapper to help me with a song I didn't exactly want to do, they had to help me again. They claimed that everyone - our fans - wanted the song. They wanted to see me. Plus, it would be great publicity for this great new band Creation Five.

I had no clue who that was. Figures. But Summer and I listened to their performances on STARS, then their interviews, and everything following. Apparently, they had even been to our movie premier - another big surprise to me. It was no surprise to me when Kennedy told me how much I liked them. They really were a good band.

So, all I had to do was contact their manager, Riley, and ask to borrow Elliot Ross - the rapper of the group.

I had twenty minutes before I had to leave for dance, and twenty minutes with Harry, and twenty minutes to make the call.

So, maybe Summer was right when she said I had anxiety. Just holding the phone in my hand made me throat constrict. My ears went hot, and my hands warmed up.

Harry ran a hand down my arm, then trailed it to the small of my back, telling me that it was fine and I didn't have to worry.

It didn't make sense. I had nothing to be afraid of. I wasn't scared of the person on the other end, I wasn't scared of messing up, nothing; I was simply worried. Nothing more to it. Fear of the unknown, maybe.

I fumbled with the phone, huffing when I plugged the number in. Harry wrapped his arms around me from behind, and I fought to keep my breath steady. It wasn't wavering from Harry, he only worsened the fact, I just wanted to get it over with.

"Why aren't you pressing send?" Harry hummed in my ear, getting a little frustrated himself.

I sighed, "I don't-"

In a split second, his oversized thumb came over the green button and I was calling Riley Armstrong.

"N-No, Harry-"

"Haylo?" a voice hummed on the other end of the line.

I swallowed a gasp, "Hi! Riley Armstrong?" I shook my head, frustrated with my shaking voice.

"That, I am told. And you?"

"Paris. Um, Paris Skye." I replied, trying to grip the counter and keep my hand from shaking.

"Of course! The Queen! What can I do you for this time?"

"The Queen?" I mouthed towards Harry. He smiled and proceeded to rub my shoulders. I shook my head and continued, "I was, um, calling to see if Elliot Ross would do a track with me. See, Yung would have done it, but he had to cancel. And I was told that Elliot was the best rapper out of the group."

"In that you are correct! Lets see, I'll have to talk to him, but I can bet that he would be more than happy to. Would he need to be flown to England?" Riley asked, a few voices scattered around him.

I nodded, "Yes, yes, if that's possible. I need him to refine the song with me, then we have to choreograph the music video. If, um, that's okay with him- or you." I pressed my forehead to the table, sighing.

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