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I sighed as I woke up. My head pounded like crazy, and my eyes hurt - feeling like weights against the thin skin of my eyelids.

"Hey, beautiful!" Harry smiled, yawning as he sat up. I cringed as I smelt his morning breath, making him chuckle, "Sorry 'bout that."

I shook my head, "No problem. It's not like I wake up smelling like a rose."

"Quite the opposite, to be fair."

I shrugged, "Fair enough."

"Louis says that a lot," Harry smiled at the reference.

I squinted, giving a small smile, "Weirdo."

"C'mere, babe." he grunted, pulling me close and allowing me to bury my face into the crook of his neck. I smiled, sliding deeper into the blankets that Harry didn't even dare to meet me in.

"My head really hurts," I hissed as the pounding continued, squeezing, yet again, the back of his singlet.

"Before you create slits in my back with those wolverine nails of yours, how about I get you pain killers?" he suggested, letting go of the blankets behind me and sliding from the bed.

I nodded, squeezing my eyes shut and wrapping the blankets around my shoulders.

He left the room quietly, padding instead of slapping, shuffling instead of bounding. I waited for what seemed like forever, until he yelled up the stairs, "Paris! Ella's here!"

What does she want?

I hit the floor in an attempt to slide out of bed, only increasing my headache. I was met by the bright light from outside his room, and found a pair of sunglasses to don before going downstairs and meeting Ella in the doorway. She held out a gym bag, offering a bright and almost sickeningly sweet smile.

"What do you want?" I mumbled, huddling into the sweatshirt that magically appeared on my body sometime last night.


"You heard me." I yawned, "Not trying to be mean, just hurrying this up so Harry can dig out a large dose of morphine."

She nodded, seeming to understand, "Correct. Well, Miss Drake called, and she wants you to work out. She said it will help your lung capacity. In the bag is your gym clothes, a change of clothes, your phone, and your gym card."

I nodded, taking the back in my sweatshirt clad hands, "Thanks."

"Quick question . . . Why are you at the boys' house?" she asked casually.

I replied, "Some trash on the internet got me here. Anything else?"

She nodded in understanding, "Got it. No, nothing else. I'll be on my way. Harry," she nodded towards the boy in farewell, then skipped down the front steps and trailed back to her car. I shut the door behind her and trailed into the kitchen, greeting the other boys with a sneer and head-bang on the granite counter.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" Niall asked, his accent and voice deep as he slurped away at the milk left over from his apparently pink cereal.

I looked up, "Because I feel . . . How would you describe a hangover?"

"Oh, that's right, you wouldn't remember!" Liam said carelessly, earning a real slap on the back of the head from a sneering Harry.

"Headache, sleepiness, problems with focusing, dizziness and nausea." Zayn listed off the top of his head, giving me a smile as he finished making his tea.

"Yeah . . ." I put my head back on the table, "That. I feel hung over."

Harry rubbed my back and planted a kiss behind my left ear, handing me the long white pills and a cuppa. I gladly took it, downing the pills and slowly sipping away at my tea. "Who wants to go to the gym with me?" I asked after taking the last sip of tea.

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