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     After another week or so, I reminded myself that I had to pull myself together and go on with life. I was never dating Harry, so what did it matter to me if he dated someone else without telling me. It's not like he gave me a ring that practically promised that we would be together. Not like that ever happened.

But I had work to do. I had practice with Ellie and Madame Wesson for a few hours, then a couch and box set of Modern Family to watch. Thankfully, the girls would be out all day, new paychecks to spend on a new Spring closet, so I would be alone to strip down to my shorts and bra and lay lazily all over the couch.

But first: work.

After showering, I put on a black dress and red heels, picked up my gym bag, grabbed the keys to my car and left. The girls had already left, and I had skipped breakfast as my stomach hurt for the eighth day in a row. Summer tried to convince me it was anxiety, but I had no reason to be anxious, so I let it go.

Once I got to Ellie's studio, I parked the car and jumped out, just getting inside before it started raining. Not a sprinkle, an absolute downpour. With a huff, I signed in and went down to hall. Ellie handed me more practice sheets - as I was still learning to read the music - and asked me how I was.

"I'm fine," I replied, smiling.

Ellie froze, shuffled a few papers, looked up at me and laughed. "It's a good thing your friend Summer knew you'd say that. Now, Paris, how are you?"

"Absolutely, disgustingly, absurdly horrifyingly, scarily, depressingly terrible!" I threw my hands into the air. "That's how I am!"

Ellie nodded. "There you go. He wasn't meant for you in the first place."

"And you didn't say anything? Just like everyone else." I retorted.

Ellie smiled sympathetically. "No. Because I was pretty blind too."

"Whatever. What are we doing today?" I sighed, fed up with talking about it.

"Well, we're going to go to Madame Wesson's studio and practice what you've learned while performing what she's shown you. Sound good?" she smiled, as if she missed my coldness.

I nodded. "Yeah."

We both walked out to the parking lot, where I was about to take my car and she would take hers. But when I got into my own, it wouldn't turn on. Albeit, it would give a hum and roar, but then it would shut off right after. I tried multiple times, up until the point where I felt like hitting my head against the steering wheel. Ellie told me to go with her, and to leave my car there until we could get it fixed. In frustration, I stomped over to her car and slammed the door when I got in.

I pouted the whole way there, fighting the urge to give in to the anger I had carried with me since Christmas and completely tell off Ellie - even when she had done nothing. But I kept it back, and remained pout-y but calm until we reached the studio. And I slammed the door again on my way out.

The rain.


My car.

Work that I wasn't getting any better at.

I hated it all.

I'm surprised I hadn't taken up that eternal sleep yet.

What had I to fight for?

Summer, Zayn, Mum and Collins were really the only people I really lived for. Were they worth fighting for? For now, I didn't have an answer.

After six hours of muscle-bending, mind-numbing learning and performing, I was finally released from class. When confronted with a ride home, I nabbed an umbrella from the bin beside the door and trudged out. I wanted to get home, and not talk to anyone.

So, in the insane wind and the rain that pricked my skin, I walked the four miles until I got home. I coughed harshly whilst trying to dig for the keys in my coat pocket. But I couldn't find a thing. They weren't anywhere. Not in my pockets, not in my wallet, not in my folder. Gone. I left them in the car in a rush to get out of it. And now I was stuck outside the house in the rain.

I pulled my mobile out and dialed Summer, but she didn't pick up. I left a message and tried to call again, sitting by the front door and trying to keep under the umbrella, but the wind picked the rain up and tossed it to unpredictable places. I was about to scream, but another rattling cough took up the oxygen. Summer didn't pick up.

I sat still, my head rested against the front door, covered by the wet hair and the constantly flipping umbrella. I stayed that way for another twenty minutes, then got up and started pacing the porch to stay warm as the cold January wind started numbing my fingers.

Another thirty minutes. I was still pacing, but the umbrella broke so I had to careful to stay under the porch. I had tried the garage door, the back door, and windows, but I couldn't find a thing. My numb sat in my pockets, my toes started numbing in my heels. An actual physical pain surged through my limbs, while a panic swept through everything else. I sat back down, burying my face in my hands and trying to breathe deeply, but every breath hurt my throat and lungs.

And almost twenty minutes later, when my head was foggy and legs were tired, headlights lit up against the wet black pavement and caused me to perk up slightly. The girls parked and laughed as they tried to duck under their bags to keep the rain from their hair. On shaking legs and numb feet, I stood up, catching their attention.

And as soon as I was about to yell at them from the anger that has spilled over within the past hour of everything, my knees buckled and I collapsed. The last thing I remember was a single scream and the faint smell of warm copper.

A/N: Woo! That would be another climax! Big chapter to fit into the plan, so I hope it's okay.

P.S. Please remember to VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW

P.S.S. @Tru_Heart showed me the song by Little Mix on the side and you won't believe how much it matches up to Eclectic5 at the moment!

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