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The planet was almost completely deserted. A few tauntauns fled the low-flying ship, but no human signs were visible.

The base, abandoned after the Battle of Hoth, was covered in snow. A few camps had been set up around the planet so they could salvage the fallen AT-ATs, but they were soon deserted.

Luke flew over the area, tight lipped, then pulled away.

It was too cold and icy, and though there were tauntauns, there were also wampas, snow beasts capable of killing in a single swipe of their massive paws.

Ben recalled from stories that Luke had been attacked and captured by one, and he guessed his uncle didn't want to relive those memories.

"What's our next stop?" Ben asked.


"Where Yoda used to live?"


They jumped, and a minute later, they were over the lush planet.

Luke landed near his old master's home. It had fallen deeply into disrepair.

Ben watched as his uncle slowly circled the tiny hut, devoured in the trees it had been built into, and found the door.

Luke ducked inside, and Ben followed.

The small hut was illuminated by a single window, the light filtering through thick leaves.

A small rodent creature scurried out the window, and Ben shuddered, not fully understanding the sacredness of the place.

Luke sat by a small shelf. He was whispering to something.

Ben, bored, looked through a box of things. Most of the items were various shades of brown cloaks, very small.

He lifted them out and draped them over the hinged lid of the box. A hand descended onto his shoulder and he jumped, turning guiltily.

"Put them back, and come to the fighter."

Ben ducked his head and complied.

Then they continued on to the Tatoo system.

Instead of landing on the desert planet of Tatooine, they continued to Dantooine, a farming planet, where a Rebel base once sat.

Luke had heard rumors of the base being kept up but vacant, and, with its large underground expanses, he figured it would be perfect.

He and Ben went in through the open door.

The boy looked around at the empty corridors and shivered.

Luke sensed his unease. "Don't worry. With occupants, it won't be so bad."

Ben nodded, glancing down a passageway as they passed. Small flying rodents fluttered out, and he ran to keep up with his uncle.

They stopped at a large blast door, and Luke pressed a button.  The door slid open, revealing a large interior chamber, with a single skylight.

Ben walked around the room, counting his paces.

Walking all the way around the circular room, back to the door again, he counted five hundred seventy-two of his footsteps.

He stopped and looked up at his uncle.  "Training room?"

Luke shook his head.  "Probably better off as a council room.   There's another large chamber around here somewhere."

He wandered around the halls. Ben quickly got bored and walked off in the other direction.

Ben SoloWhere stories live. Discover now