Chapter 9

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Listen to the is what it takes by Shawn Mendes.

Mahogany stopped as she hid behind a tree thinking no one followed her. She panted catching her breath.

"Hey, are you ok." A deep voice said.

Mahogany looked up to see that it was Ethan who followed after her.

"Why did you follow me, out of all
People i Wouldn't have thought you would come." Mahogany says to him.

"Well I'm not that evil like some people." He says looking back and trying to find Ximena.

"Yeah I guess." Mahogany says slightly smiling.

"Come back we only have 10 more minutes left, and I know you want to finish your soup before Gray tries to eat it." Ethan says.

Mahogany nods and comes from
Behind the tree and walks back towards the guys.

As they were walking back Dahlia was becoming quite comfortable around Grayson and seemed to be growing some sort of connection.

"What, was that." She says laughing.

Grayson shrugs and makes this awkward face that causes Dahlia to laugh some more.

"Looks like you found your way to the dark side." A voice says.

The three turned around and saw Seth standing behind Aria.

"Is he bother you Aria?" Mahogany says walking up from her previous trip.

"No not at all, what do you want." Aria says to Seth.

He shrugs smirking.

"Okay than, twinkle twinkle, buh bye." Aria says with the sass that came naturally to her.

Seth throws his hands up in defense and walks back over to a girl who
Seemed so familiar to Dahlia and Mahogany.

"Thats Kaytlin, supposedly she's like 2nd ranking right now." Grayson says scratching the back of his neck.

"Really, what are you guys?" Dahlia says looking between the both of the boys.

"Well right now I've gotten a 9 and 10 so I guess one of those." Grayson says.

"I've gotten two 11's so I guess 11." Ethan says.

"Cool, I mean if it is to you." Dahlia says.

"Oh no it's fine." Grayson says smiling.

Dahlia blushes.

Ring ring.

"Well I guess we have to go." Mahogany Says softly smiling.

The twins nod.

"It was nice to meet you, you guys are better than some of the nevers we met." Dahlia says.

The twins smile softly.

"If you know anything about the Seth kid or hear anything, let me know he's been on my case." Aria says.

They nod, turn, and walked away. The three girls stand and walk over to a nymph and hand it their baskets. Than the three girls walked back into the school heading to their next class they had together.

"Go up the charity stairs obviously and go to the second floor ft history of heroes class." Aria said as the girls walked into the school up to their classes.

"I wonder how this professor Sader looks." Mahogany says.

"He sounds old." Dahlia says.

"And you sound like a witch and you are officially one now that you hang with Nevers, and Holland will never love you because your an ugly witch and I saw how you looked at that never boy shameful I saw a spark in your eyes and I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up trying to kill us all." Ximena says with anger written all over her face.

Aria snaps her fingers and out of nowhere Ximena falls to the ground with a thud.

"Twinkle twinkle." Aria says.

Dahlia and Mahogany giggle not understanding why Aria said twinkle twinkle.

"Why are you laughing at her,did you do this?!" Holland says coming out of nowhere.

"Why are you even in charity you should be in valor." Mahogany says looking him.

"Had to pass through... Maybe you are truly evil." Holland says.

"It's funny you say that and you don't even know me like she does at least Ethan and Grayson wants to get to know us." Mahogany says walking past him.

"Yeah to find your weakness and kill you." Holland says but he didn't know that someone else was planning to kill her and it wasn't Ethan.

"It's funny how you say that and you don't know them, you don't know us, and you obviously don't know her because I never heard of a girl who was a princess that tormented other girls training to be a princess." Dahlia says.

Dahlia had to that comment about Ethan and Grayson to heart not knowing why, but she did and she didn't like it at all.

Dahlia felt weird inside each time someone brought up the boy with the blonde streak she knew that something about him was special but it was something she never felt back home.

Holland stood there not knowing what to say as he held onto Ximena arm.
He didn't truly have feelings for her she was like ever other girl all trying to get the guy they liked to like them and be with them forever, but he didn't want that he wanted a love like his father falling in love with a girl who didn't try at all who knew when to stop and stand up for herself and not cause problems and that surely wasn't Ximena. But maybe, it was Mahogany.

Aria couldn't help but laugh at how helpless Ximena looked and walked straight past them pulling Dahlia with her making sure not to be late to class from the foolish scene that took place in the hall.

"Hurry, I hope Mahogany saved us seats." Aria says pulling Dahlia.

Dahlia felt bad for her friend, and she could tell Mahogany had a crush on the blinded Prince. But, she knew there was a connection between Mahogany and the blacked haired twin.

"Only day one and already drama ." Dahlia thought to herself as she ran into the class seeing seats right next to Mahogany and sitting.

Ring ring.

The girls had made it just into they were lucky or Dahlia would of had two weeks of toilet duty and Aria would of had 1 week.

"Welcome to History of Heroes, I am professor Sader and I will be teaching that class to you  princesses." A hazel eyed man said walking into the room.


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