Here we go again

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This is hopefully the last time I'm doing this. Last. Time.

I don't wanna post the rules...

Guess that's what you get for tagging people. Lol.

This time I was tagged by tmntfanfics1211 .

1. You have to post all the rules.
2. You have to tag 13 people.
3. Each person has to answer 13 questions about themselves.
4. You have to make up 13 questions for the people you tag.
5. Don't skip tags.
6. Tag backs are allowed.
7. If you don't complete in a week, you have to do what I say.
8. Be creative with the title.
9. Put this in a book, not in the comments.
1. Would you consider yourself beautiful? If yes, good for you. If not, you should because you're fabulous just the way you are!!
I wouldn't say beautiful, I would say cool. Because we're all cool. Cool people are cool. Bow ties are cool. Come along now Ponds.

2. How would you break the ice or awkward tension with someone you just met? I'm socially awkward so TEACH ME!!
Break the ice! Literally!

But seriously I don't break the ice, others do. I'm the one who stays quiet for a whole school term before opening up.

3. Are you a dress kind of girl or pants kind of girl?

4. What do you wish you eye colour was?

5. What's your opinion on Asians?
They are awesome. Asians are awesome.

6. Would you rather stay in the country side and enjoy nature for vacation? Or would you rather stay in the city?
City for me. City has wifi. And I just came back from camp, I think I had enough of Mother Nature.

7. If you had secret talents you've made fun of and hid from all your friends, would you audition for them?
I'm kinda doing that right now. No one knows I write. Absolutely no one.

Except you guys.

8. What would you do if you and your brother played COD and you beat him?
Shout BOOYAKASHA! And start cheering because I have no idea how to play it.

9. Would you admit who your crush was to your friends?
Hahahahaha no. If they ask, I'll say it's 1D. Because they know I like them. It's difficult to get a crush name outta me.

10. Would you rather love and never be loved, or never love but be loved?
Spread the love. I rather not be loved than not be able to give out love. That'll be terrible.

11. Favourite animal? Why?
Turtles! Because!

12. Long hair, or short hair?

13. What would you do if you hated someone who liked you instead?
That's tough. Uh...I don't know. Just say 'cool' and brush it off I guess?
I'm gonna disobey the rules. I have another set of questions just before this chapter, so if you wanna do it, it's over there ^^

I'm gonna tag like one or two people. You know who you are. *smiles innocently*


The questions are in the chapter before this! Find them there!

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