There Goes Another Year

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For one half of the world, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

For the other half, HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE!

Another year gone just like that, and this book isn't over. I could keep this going till 2020 at this rate.

2017 was fun and full of memories despite the studying, let's hope 2018 would be another handful of fun, joy and a sprinkle of excitement.

As for New Year resolutions, I have none, as always.

You wait a moment, 2018. Let's get it right. I've got a few things to say to you. Basic stuff first. Never be cruel, never be cowardly. Remember, hate is always foolish and love is always wise.
Always try to be nice and never fail to be kind.

Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind.

2017, I let you go.

(Twelfth Doctor's regeneration and gaining Clara's memories again, I still can't get over it.)

HAPPY 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣8️⃣❗️

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