10 questions tag thing

31 10 10

So...tagged by the awesome MikyTomlinson824 and I gotta say 10 things about myself. Let's go.

1) I have a dog called Leo and a hamster called Copper. Funny story though, Leo was not named after the mutant turtle that we all love, he was named after a boy from a kid's show. Does anyone watch Little Einstein? 😂

2) I'm standing on the stairs.

3) I'm off to bed.

5) I'm tired.

4) So tired that I just realized I switched four and five around and am too lazy to fix that.

6) There's exams tomorrow and I still think I'm not prepared yet.

7) I'm not from Canada. (If you know where I'm from please don't say it, I like to keep my whereabouts a secret 😉)

8) Obsessed with four butt-kicking mutant turtles, four boys who can't dance but sell out lots of concerts, five colour-coded ninjas and an alien living in a blue police box.

9) Math is awesome.

10) I have yet to open my new Lego set. It's been two months.

Alrighty that's 10 things about myself. Not too personal I think. Well, as fact number 5 says, I'm off to bed, so I won't be tagging anyone, unless you wanna do it, feel free to do so.

Have a shell-tastic day/night!! XD

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