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Well unless you have summer classes or the entire summer is spent on studying...then welcome to the club.

How's life everyone?

Hope you guys are doing better than me, if not then I hope it gets better for you. If you need any help, I'll try to offer as much as I can, but disclaimer: I'm not the best adviser, so ask at your own risk. :D

Anyway, I got a few things to update, I don't really know why I do this but I guess it's a way to track my life, so let's get updating.

There's a rant ahead, if you don't wish to read it, skip it. (Nope there's no skip button here like on YouTube lol)

Does anyone hate group work? If you do, please raise your hand and give me a hi-three.

I'm so frustrated omg, basically there's this horrendous subject in school that involves group work, and it's examinable. Like, it's graded, like it actually affects the grades you need to get into university, which basically determines your life. I don't know which genius came up with this but if I had the chance, I would definitely take it out of the syllabus.

I got my group, thought it was okay, but nope! It's the worst group in class. Honestly, 2018 is not treating me well. My group mates do their work, yes, but the quality of work isn't there, like the content is too generic and stuff. You can't really see the effort in it. And, I can hardly contact them. Well, I can, but they don't reply, especially when it's urgent. And the most useful guy in the group hardly uses the chat platform that we all do, so that's terrible. Other groups are working quite well and they meet outside of class to discuss their stuff but mine doesn't. The only time we gather is during the subject lessons themselves, that's it. And my teacher, I don't know what she's doing, she's not giving us enough feedback to improve. Maybe it's because the exam dateline is still a way away, but shouldn't it be better if we just improve now and not later? I'm not even the leader of the group but I'm the one taking charge. If my grades get pulled down because of this subject I'll cry.

We did discuss how we're gonna plan out our report so that we can meet the dateline with quality work, but I don't know if it will be quality work.


On the bright side, I passed my essay test!

*cue confetti*

It's a 29/50 but I'm quite happy because I thought I would fail. And my teacher says I have potential to get an A, like that honestly boosts my confidence in writing.

And so I would like to thank each and every one of you on Wattpad for being awesome writers who inspire me and who keep my passion for writing alive.


Moving on, does anyone watch Trollhunters?

It's a good show, just saying. And it's also done by the people that created Ninjago, so it's good.

I just watched 5 episodes in a row, but if it weren't for my siblings, I would have finished the whole season today

Just saying, you could (should) go watch it if you want to.

Anyway, I hope this holiday won't be as crap as the school term, because there's exams immediately after the vacation, which sucks. The good thing is I'll be able to catch up with all my old friends which is happiness. The bad thing is STUDIES.

Okay, I'm out of things to say.

Have an awesome summer! (And a nice day/night wherever you are XD)

(The marvel spoilers shall come another day, maybe in June)

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