Tag, you're it!

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But what is 'it' though? Anyone ever wonder about that? Like, is 'it' a monster? Alien? Murderer? Detective? Who knows?

I've been tagged by hope_forever_18 , so let's go!

1. If you could make one of your OTP/pairings canon, which would it be and why?
I would say Whouffle but I don't really think it should be canon because as much as I enjoy Clara and the Doctor being together and caring for each other, it's best if they remain as friends. My answer would be Diaval and Melanie. This boy needs all the love in the world. (At this point in time they're not married or even in a relationship yet which I assume in the future they would be, so yes this answer is valid)

2. Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die or unknown when you are alive and famous after you die?
The second one! I would want to leave an impact on the world and I can't handle the attention if I was alive anyway.

3. Quick! You have one wish for anything on Earth! What do you wish for?

Being more realistic, I don't want another war please.

4. A powerful wizard has locked you in a room with three of your favourite characters. There is one gun with two bullets. In order to escape, you have to use both bullets against your favourite characters, but you escape with the one you keep alive. Which ones do you kill? Who survives?
Three of my favourite characters. The Doctor, Fugitoid and Newt Scamander. Assuming I know how to use a gun, I'll (probably fail to aim) shoot the Doctor and Fugitoid. Fugitoid's a robot, so he's good, the Doctor can regenerate, so he's good, and I'll escape with Newt who'll apparate us out of there. Ta Da!

5. If you could have another season of any completed/cancelled show, which show would it be and why?
The shows I'm currently watching aren't completed or cancelled yet, except for TMNT but that's about finished. Another season won't do it good, unless it's another season of pure fun where we get to see what the turtles do on a daily basis, how Splinter raised them as kids (apart from the turtle tots episode), what it could have been if Miwa never became Karai, take a look at all their rooms (especially Leo's and Donnie's), find out what happened to Karai and Shinigami, SEE CASEY'S FAMILY, find out what happened to April's dad, Pigeon Pete and how everyone's lives have gotten about etc.

6. You can win a million dollars, but you have to actively pretend to be the opposite sexuality then you are now for a whole year. For example, a straight person has to be actively gay. Would you do it?
Heck yeah! Straight? What's straight? I'm liking girls for a whole year for that million dollars, sign me up! Does anyone know any pick up lines for girls?

7. Describe your ideal day. What happens? Who are you with? Let the possibilities flow.
I wake up as late as possible, and then watch Netflix with no one to disturb except for Perry the Platypus. If I'm in the mood, I might go out with a few friends to roam the country. Then I go to sleep as late as possible. The end.

Or I go the aquarium and stare at the fishes the whole day. I honestly want to do this.

8. You are in a world where you can only see shades of one colour until you meet your soulmate. Which colour do you choose to see the world in until then?
Grey. I can't really imagine what other colour to see in other than that. If I saw everything in yellow or red it might be scary.

9. Which starter Pokémon is your go to? If you don't play Pokémon, humour me and pick one anyway.
Uh...*goes to Google because I can't remember*...I want an Eevee if that's possible. I had an Eevee on Pokémon Go and it was on my avatar's shoulder and that was the only thing I played the game for.

10. Which musician do you want to see in concert OR what's the best concert you've ever gone to?
ED SHEERAN PLEASE I missed his concert last year BECAUSE OF EXAMS *cries*

Alrighty I'm done. Should I create questions and tag people?


I'm so lazy save me.

New school started yesterday and I seem to have already labelled myself as weird and awkward save me. Why is it so hard to make friends?

Alright, new wish, I need to be more confident and not cower like an idiot.

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