Chapter One

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  I sighed as the teacher continued with the lesson​ I'd  heard a million times before this. I laid my cheek on my desk and raised my tired eyes up to look around.

  On my left Kimmy was taking notes, listening intently to the teacher. I rolled my eyes and twisted my head to look on my right, my too small uniform tightening around my throat. I saw Chrissy, happily drawings pictures and excitingly showing them to random people who obviously weren't interested.

  Finally the bell rang and I rushed for the door, but a hand on my shoulder made me turn around. I stared at the teacher, who held her hand out and coughed lightly. "Juliet?" She asked, soft but firm.


  I didn't do my homework!

  As my brain went into a flurry of 'how could you forget!'s as I struggled to think a good lie.

  "Oh, I'm sorry mrs. Cloud," Kimmy's voice surprised me, and I saw a paper with my forged sloppy handwriting in her hands. "She asked me to carry it when she was bringing her project to school, and I forgot to give it back," She handed the teacher the Page. She twirled in her her hands suspiciously, before finally sighing. "Very well," she eyed us. "You three are too close for my liking," she said, before she shooed us out and shut her door.

  "OH MY GODDESSES HOW CAN I EVER THANK YOU KIMMY!" I yelled as we walked down the hall. Kimmy shrugged. "I just didn't want head mistress to kill you," she smiled warmly.

  "Yeah," Chrissy added. "That would be bad for us," she flicked her hand at some jerks in the corner who were shamelessly pointing at my two friends and laughing.

  One glare from me shut them up.

  "Yeah, I guess you'd be kinda lost without me," I winked.


  As I tucked myself in, I realized that I had a massive headache. It wasn't so much sudden as it was... Subtle.

But really really painful.

  I forced myself into sleep, my headache finally subsiding until I was in a rocky cave.

  Oh goddesses not this again..."

  I had been getting the same dream for months now, a girl would run from lava, EQ would be there, she would laugh, arguing occurs, blah blah blah. The thing is, I can't hear a word they say. As I sat back to watch the mime show. I took in how real everything looked. Then I realized I was hearing voices.

  "H-how could you do this?!" The girl screamed.

  "Because I can!" EQ responded sarcastically.

I listened to the conversation intently.

  "You killed them! Y-you stripped two innocent people of their lives!"

  "They attacked me, young one, and if I remember right, you were part of that attack as well." She smirked. "It's time for my revenge..."


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