Chapter six

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  I got out of the limo, a little car sick from the 15 minute ride, and looked at my new school as Kimmy and Chrissy got out behind me.

  Correction; Our school.

  It was about as big as our new house, I could see fields and skating ranks and stuff, and the school consisted of several buildings. Their was a large pathway up to the front door.

  My friends and I walked up the pathway, our new parents behind us. When we got into the front door, their were some teachers that were expecting us. The adults talked while I took in my surroundings. It was a large hallway, most of the doors had signs like 'counsler' and 'principal'. I guessed the classrooms were in the other buildings.

  "Girls?" A man in a suite came up to us. He was bald, looked like he was in his 50's, and had smile marks on his face, he was even smiling now.

  Somehow, that got my hopes up.

  "Here are your schedules, I hope you like your classes here."

  "Er, thanks," I stumbled my words out as I grabbed the papers and turned them out to my friends. To save time, here are the schedules;
  A Days:
Period one: math
Period two: Spanish
Period three: speach and drama
Period four: vocal
  B days:
Period five: gym
Period six: English
period seven: social studies
Period eight: science

  A days:
Period one: gym
period two: science
Period three: Spanish
period four: math
  B days:
Period five: social studies
Period six: English
period seven: art
Period eight: study hall

  And Chrissy was my twin schedule, except instead of Spanish she had french.

  "Whats this?" I pulled out a folded peice of paper.

  "That's the map of the school."

  "This school needs a map!" It was Chrissy who voiced what I was thinking.

  The man laughed. "I'm Dr. Wormack by the way, the schools principal," he said.

  "Oh, um, nice to meet you," I stumbled, and his smile streched wider. "Right now, go to the cafeteria, classes start in a hour."

  I nodded and folded out the map as our new parents came up to us. "Have a fun day at school!" She paused "Love you."

  I froze. She said the words with truth in them. Three words I had never heard. I looked up and felt tears try to escape from my eyes, I was able to trap them. "Love you too" I said with a voice crack. Chrissy and Kimmy joined me, but without the voice crack

  Our new parents walked away and I knelt to the ground to look at the colorful paper. "Of were here.... then it should be.... okay! I've got it girls, follow me!"

  Chrissy looked confused until she suddenly said "OOOOOooooo, okay." I rolled my eyes. "Baka," I folded up the map again and began to walk down the hall. At some point we passed a clock and I checked the time. '6:47'. I walked on.

  We stopped in front of a open door and saw a room croudwd with people. To my surprise, they were all human. I stepped inside and saw a small line at a lunch station looking thing. Except bigger. What are those called, buffets? Ya, it looked like a buffet.

  I walked into the line and grabbed a plate. The smell of cinnamon rolls and pancakes filled my senses. I had to stop myself getting two plates. I don't want to look like a pig on my first day! I settled with a waffle, eggs, and a cinnamon bun. Now time for hard part number two;

  Finding a table.

  I sighed and found a table with only one person sitting there, Chrissy and Kimmy were still in line.

  "Hey," I looked up to see the girl sitting there looking at me with a half smile. "I'm Sophie, you?"

  "Me? Um, I'm Juliet," I got a good look at the girl. She had short cut that only just covered her ears, and the bangs were dyed red. She was skinny and tall looking for her age, unlike me.

  "Oh! You must be one of those orphan kids our parents got an email about. Luckily you only missed a week of school, because Mrs. Anderson would've totally  made you do all  the make up work," She took a bite of what she was eating. "So, you are one of those orphans, right?"

  I nodded "Is there a problem with that?" I realized my eyes got the weird daggers they always did when I got.... emotions in general. She flinched, and I blinked. "Sorry, my eyes are weird."

  Sophie made an awkward laugh that sound like a donkey. "It's fine! Hey, are other people coming to the table?" This made me turn around.

  "Hey Chris! Hey Kim!" Sophie looked at me with an unreadable expression. I pointed at them all in turn. "Sophie, These people are Christiana and Kimberly. Chrissy, Kimmy, this is Sophie," I quickly stuffed the last of my cinnamon roll in as I sat back and watched them awkwardly greet each other.


  A loud bell got me off my feet. I stood up and sighed.

  Time for class.


Hey guys, guess who updated FINALLY. Sorry for being lazy it's a bad habit I have.(check the description to this book I explain a few tings there)


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